1200 DVT Accidental Sub 24 Hour 1500+ Mile Ride

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Smurf, Jan 18, 2017.

  1. Hi guys,

    Shared this in Ducati.MS and wanted to share this with UK Mutley friends as well.

    I recently managed to complete a sub 24 hour 1500 mile ride while on the return leg of a road trip to Myanmar out here in South East Asia. Have a short entry in my blog and wanted to share the experience. Not too much about the bike in the entry but more about the ride itself.

    Feel free to ask me any questions!

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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. Done over a thousand in one day & that's plenty. I'll have a read at somepoint.
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  3. that's an average of 62.5 miles an hour for 24 hours on normal roads?
  4. Does that include 10 min fuel stops every 120 miles?
  5. It's about 100km per every hour roughly if you don't stop riding. To take into account sections of slow traffic crossing the border, fuel stops, you have to average at least 110kmph. Im the case of my ride my average was something like 120kmph. Doesn't sound like much but 20kmph difference in speed over 22 hours is over 400km.

    P. S sorry we are metric over here on this part of the world...
  6. Big respect fella.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Iron butt territory. Well done.
    Managed 1152 miles in 23 hours a few year back. That included ferry crossing from Calais/Dover on a return journey from Austria to NE England. Took a week to recover! Fz1s not a comfy tourer lol..
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  8. What he said :upyeah:
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  9. Thanks guys. I can confirm the Mutley is indeed a very capable ICBM. Inter-country ballistic motorcycle Can't remember where I saw that reference before.
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  10. Can only doff my cap to you squire. I bet it wasn't smooth tarmac all the way either. Loved the golden triangle and cambodia when I was there.
  11. I'm clearly a big Jessie , road from Manchester to poittier once , I was gutted.
    Only 600+ miles , I was on a sportsbike mind ;)

    Well done by the way , nice blog
  12. Did 850 once. Right hand was a claw since 96 sprint had no cruise only a throttle rocker. Had plenty of time for 1k but figured it was no fun, and a hot meal and beer won out.
  13. To be honest, the main highway leading back to Singapore from Chiangmai was in pretty good shape (relatively) so credit where credit is due.

    600+ on a sportsbike is no laughing matter either, good on you.

    Actually I thought I would use cruise control a lot more than I did. Traffic got in the way pretty much every other couple of minutes. Even in the middle of the night on the highways all these crazy trucks were all over the place. But I have to say it helps letting me shake my wrists and fingers out every once in a while so yea, it was useful. I used a throttle rocker on my first 1000 mile 20 hour ride and that did save my wrists for sure. Was on a smaller 400cc Honda though.
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  14. You might actually be able to claim credit for this if you have the fuel reciepts. How many fill ups did you do? I did five in one day on my bmw f800gs.
  15. Hi there, the gas stations in Thailand don't usually issue receipts or if they do, I guess one must specially ask for them which I didn't. I'm not too bothered about credit anymore. After all it's more for my own fulfillment than anything else.

    For me it was ten fill ups in 22 hours. A average about 250km a tank.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  16. No worries; fire off some glorious images of your bike & scenic views some time. Some of us (me) will probably never get to visit your country! Ride safe]
  17. That's some going!

    I've covered 600 miles in a day (955 Daytona) and was well knackered at the end of it.......on EU motorways .......no stops for borders etc..
  18. Good effort!

    Here are some pictures












    • Like Like x 3
  19. Fantastic, I'm liking your side mounted rocket launchers too, would be useful in traffic in the UK :)
    • Useful Useful x 1
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