No Eurosport This Year...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Didn't know she was with Nick Knowles...
  2. How very dare you, burn the man at the stake. Hey ho, each to his own but to be fair, she hasn't aged particularly well :(. Andy
  3. poseland should have stuck to what he done best in motogo.. Leaving it
    • Funny Funny x 3
  4. Mate, they'll burn you and me in hell :upyeah:. Andy
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. James Tongland looks a bit creepy... Almost like he gets varnished before going on TV...

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. VENT-HAVEN4.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  7. you know, I was thinking the same thing when I posted it!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Kind of... Not strictly true so say... Stopping the individual user is nigh on impossible and they (the government know that) so the government will be going after isp's and squeeze them to stop it...

    Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
  9. on a not connected note (except to Kodi) I read today Chines govt are outlawing VPN by 2018, and a co will have to have special permission before one can be used, with ISPs having to report them. Given we are worse in many respects in our loss of privacy, goes whats coming next..
  10. No different to outlawing a mac or pc. They will find sites that feed koi and close them via the isp
  11. And like pirate bay et al. they will be bypassed. But no sites feed Kodi as such, because the streams are all over the net and not necessarily stored on one host
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  12. A long time ago.
  13. I believe kodi is ok its the add ons that are not
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  14. The TechRadar article @Ducbird pointed us at makes for interesting read. As has already been said, if people continue to use a perfectly legal platform for nefarious reasons, the simple solution is shut the platform down. It's open source so only the advertisers are going to lose commercially. Andy
  15. Well this is the thing isnt it...banning android boxes is out, banning kodi is out, searching out boxes on peoples own internal networks is illegal plus theyd never get in to them. The only real option is to have something running at an isp which looks for said stream on whatever port its running on and then shuts it off. The only real option is to go to the other end and stop it at source. Thats the only real option....the government can step in from a snooping point of view if they want to.....the last rackspace we had servers in, we visited to rack a server and one week, totally normal, the next week at the end of our rackspace, spaced apart from all the other racks was a black apc rack (different to all the others) with yellow and black tape round it, different floor panels (pressure sensitive) and blacked out glass on the front which screamed "fuck off, dont touch" - asked the site engineer what it was "government mate...dont go near it!" - a month later we went back it was gone....
  16. While in essence youre right, the same could be said about torrents? It isnt the software thats illegal its how its used that it. But for the last 10+ years they've tried to shut it down... yet theyre still being used.

    The court case referred too in the article is a very spurious one at best. The guy is supplying "fully loaded" boxes that come from abroad (China) with all the software on again which isn't illegal. Hence why Amazon et al. stock and supply them. As Ducbird said it's the add-ons that are put into Kodi that are illegal as they give access to copyrighted material, but so does Plex (a paid for media server available on PS4, Xbox one etc.) Also banning the boxes does this mean banning the SKY TV Now boxes as they can be used in a similar way, as with firesticks, fire TV, tablets, pc's, macs, smartphones and so on..... you see where I'm going?
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