Help!! Broken Pinch Bolt On The Fork Leg! What To Do.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Richie T, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. I agree, but a double click will not add any torque at all.

    If I set my torque wrench to 40Nm, torque to that point multiple times, what torque are you saying I'll actually get? 50Nm, 60Nm? I'll get 40Nm. Look up how a torque wrench works. ;)

    This thread could become the new Brexit. :D
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  2. As as time served mech maint craftman working with and calibrating torque wrenches everyday for over 30 years, I know how they work..

    It might be the new Brexit thread but lets hope it doesnt turn into the fila 999r one!!!
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  3. TORQUE WARS ! :Woot:
    #63 Robarano, Jan 26, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2017
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  4. I've got 3 and they don't agree.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Do you back them off to their lowest or a slack setting after use? This is vital to stop mis-reads over time.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Yep. Always have wound them back to min. One is cheap so get that, but the other 2 weren't.
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  7. Guys thanks for the advice once again.. been reading all your interesting techniques and replies.. I'll take note of all the advice you given to me as I'm sure it will be helpful for future reference. :thumbsup:
    I definetly get on that list of tools you've suggested for my workshop in case else happens.

    Today, i got that stripped bolt out :smiley: Was relieved that i can continue the completion of my 1199..
    Ordered 4 replacement pinch bolts (M6) on my list to Ducati.. waiting game now for parts..
    U Must wonder how i did it..?
  8. Made a slot and unscrewed it with a screwdriver.........
  9. Almost Quantuman…. Took the fork leg out of the bike, put it on a vice, centre punch the top of the strip bolt then with a thin flat head screwdriver flick it around on the side of the fork (were there is a cut out on the side) as it turns just almost like drifting it with a drift.
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  10. It was seriously free in the threads then
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  11. Sooo lucky the bolt broke rather than the threads stripped...
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  12. Nice. Bet you were pleased.

    Have you checked you were tightening to the right amount of torque?
  13. look who's torqueing... :Sorry:
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Nuke_it_by_nukkus-d33nfil-1_1.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. So why did out break? Over torquing?

    I rarely use one (wheels being the key exception), old news, but prefer just to use the right size tool and let that take care of it.. Never stripped, broken or had a bolt fall out yet :upyeah:
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  16. Either read the wrong torque setting, confused Lb/ft and Nm or incorrectly set torque wrench. Also some of the torque settings in ally threads need lubing with grease otherwise they bind up whilst being torqued then can let go. 6mm screws don't need much and a low range torque wrench is a good idea for anything less than 20Nm, 6mm screws in ally threads should not be much over 10Nm. So what was it?
  17. That's a good shout. I never thought of that.
  18. 19nm, I set the torque values as these settings are for "Ohlins fork feet clamps to clevis pin fastener only S version"
    Which I think it's wrong, I must have the Marzocchi forks which suppose to be 6nm. And M6 bolt is the small bolts. :confused: Got confuse with S version as mines is the S version.

    Is the Marzocchi forks are the ones with black cap on top of the fork with a red dial fitting on the top of the fork?
  19. Centre punch the top of the strip head to release tension, after spinning the bolt from the gap on the side of the fork with a slim flat head screw driver. Success!! Threads seem okay.. just waiting for replacement bolts.

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