1200 Pikes Peak Chain Tension Gauge

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Kgsdb, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Hi
    Does anyone know where I can get a chain tension gauge from or the part number for a multistrada
    I ordered one from my main dealers but the wrong one came
    Thank you
  2. If it's just something that measures the droop of the chain below the swing-arm, then someone on here made one out of a piece of wood. He just made it the exact size of the recommended measurement, so there's no peering at graduations on a rule to do and took it with him on a long continental trip.
    If you make it square, you can use it either way round and you can always make it out of something fancier, like alloy or even carbon fibre...
  3. Surely someone in the UK can knock a few up? Brexit!!!

    If they do I would like one for my 2013 please.

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