Predict The Score

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by apuhtred, Feb 11, 2017.

  1. England to win by 10 points. Worcester man saves the day again in the 75th minute. I am sick of this every week I have to go to the pub and drink beer while watching the opposition get beaten. Ok perhaps its not so bad after all. Come on England

    Regards Steve
  2. Their that confident they don't they want the roof closed ?
    Are they worried it might be too warm ?
  3. Boro 1 Everton 0 :)
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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  4. il calcio non รจ uno sport vero
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  5. Actually they did want the roof closed, asked the RFU for permission to have a closed roof for all games, RFU said no but said they could close it if the opposition team agreed on the day
  6. You do make me laugh
  7. Yes I know Wales wanted the roof closed, but the oposition didn't (for some reason) :)
  8. i wont predict a score but just a tad off topic. i watched highlights of the woman's Irish Scotland game last week. some superb rugby being played.
  9. Rugby shouldn't be played indoors thats just silly,

    It is a amazing place to watch a game, the noise with the roof shut is incredable, still I prefer pre millenium stadium, the old Arms Park was much better.

    East Stand for me today looking forward to it
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  10. I wish I could believe it myself. The way we are going we are going down to the Champions League again :(
    #10 El Toro, Feb 11, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
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  11. Yeah, I remember those days, when the backs of your legs used to get wet for some unknown reason or worse still if you happened to be under the North stand :(
  12. Never in doubt:D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. It's much more fun than the Premier League, you'll have a laugh. :)
  14. Told you so just wrong player.

    Regards Steve
  15. And the wrong score as well ?
  16. Best game I've seen our lot lose though.
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  17. Champions League!!!! I think you might mean The Championship.

    Only a slight difference.
  18. Same difference ;)
  19. That was an EPIC test match. Wales played their hearts out but England always looked more dangerous with the ball and Farrell's running line and pass to put Daly away was pure genius...

    Brilliant game - I had to watch it twice!
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  20. Great game, brilliant atmosphere 2hrs on the M4 this morning back to London so glad it was not me driving, gonna sit down and watch the coverage now
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