950 And 1200dvt Standard Advise

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Desmo 09, Feb 17, 2017.

  1. Dear Ducati users, owners and in particular buyers... be advised that the new Multistrada 950 mounts like the MTS1200DVT Standard and halogen projector which output a bad low beam and poor high beam light. Before to think to buy these bikes I recommend to have a test ride in the night and carefully evaluate the performance of their light beams. Please also consider that the adjusting screws for this type of projectors are very hard to locate and more difficult to reach for adjusting. One more problem of MTS950 and MTS1200DVT Standard are the front suspensions. These are too soft causing a strong dive of the bike while braking, when you experience a strong brake (an emergency brake for instance) the combination of the dive effect with the poor light beam make the world suddenly dark!! I suggest everybody who owns like me this type of lights and suspension to drive carefully in the night and make stiffer the front suspension by increasing a bit the preload of the springs and give 4 to 6 click at the hydraulic compression brake.
    To everybody who intend to buy such bikes, I suggest to leave them at the dealer. Never buy such poor products for such a high price! The only MTS which are really valuable are the S and PP version, DISREGARD ALL THE OTHERS THEY ARE RUBBISH. I know that they are cheaper but they should be much more cheaper, if you want pay less better to go to a used bike since at moment it's already possible to find a reasonable good 1200DVT S at almost the same price of a new MTS950!
    Share this info for the sake of we customers! Ducati must change this policy!
  2. You know the suspension and headlight aim is adjustable, right?! :Banghead:
  3. I know that, I own a 1200DVT Standard and I already adjusted front suspensions and light beam, but the result is still poor because the parts are poor themselves! This is the advise for!! You pay too much for what you get! Don't buy these bikes, Ducati should not offer such product to Ducati's enthusiasts at all or at least should sell them at their real pricewhich in my opinion should be 2000€ less for both the 950 and 1200DVT Standard.
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  4. It's not a sports bike, has long travel suspension and soft springs from the outset to allow comfort. You could upgrade to firmer springs in the front, which would help hold the bike up and allow less compression so bike rides pretty well and doesn't sacrifice all the softness. Or ramp up the damping.

    Fwiw my dvt S dives a fair bit more than the previous skyhook one did. It seems a characteristic of Ducati making the bike more touring friendly and less of a sports bike
  5. I fully agree, but again the price Ducati put on these models is higher than what you get. If I had paid my 1200DVT 2000€ less, which is the correct price comparing my bike with the S version, now I would have already sent my front suspension to Andreani Group sito ufficiale and have replaced all the cartridges to Ohlins!! Same for the MTS950 which should cost less for the same reasons.
    By the way the light beam issue would be still there!!
  6. welcome, please join the map below! The dvt-s with projector lighting is amazing compared to the standard version bulb. I haven't seen a 950yet'
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. The headlamps on the DVT 1200S are excellent, and a big improvement on the pre-DVT lamps.

    This is what you pay for when you buy an S instead of a non-S, along with the better suspension, brakes, instrument panel, etc. You pays your money and you takes your choice. If you buy the lower-specification model, it seems pointless then to complain that it has a lower specification.
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  8. My 2015 standard model used was $11500 USD with 500 miles last April. I don't ride at night (too many deer) so lights is a non issue. The front is softer than I want with adjustments firmed up. I am going to add a little oil to them to see if that helps. If not, then firmer springs. But the bike is fine, rides good, handles good, and has a great engine. It's not rubbish.
  9. This is not the point! Maybe my English is not so good! I wrote in the first post indeed that the only bike to buy is the 1200DVT S/Enduro/PP because there you get what you pay for. 1200DVT Standard and 950 are still good bike (just don't use them in the night for the reason described in the 1st post) but when you buy them you don't get what you pay for.
    My Standard costs only 2300€ less but I miss:
    1) Color LED dashboard
    2) FULL LED projector with cornering lights
    3) Skyhook suspensions
    4) Bluetooth module
    and I have:
    1) Bad headlights, worse than the previous MTS1200
    2) Poor quality suspensions also these worse than the Marzocchi of the old MTS1200
    My complain is having at least the same quality level of the previous generation would justify the difference but at moment I think that the gap between 1200s and Standard is more than 2300€.
    If we consider what the MTS950 is, a collage of parts already developed for other bikes and all the regression it has:
    1) Bad/UNSAFE headlights
    2) Poor quality suspensions
    3) No advanced electronic
    4) No advanced ABS (safety reduced)
    5) No Cruise control
    and sold like the other sisters without any optional like: central standings, bag etc... Do you think that the difference of 6200€ with the MTS DVT S is not much?

    I suggest everybody to never ever buy a MTS950 and 1200DVT Standard because there you DON'T GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  10. Understand your not happy but i am assuming you realised when you brought it you didn't have the below. You got exactly what was offered for sale for the price you agreed, you could test ride it? i assume you did, you looked at the quality I assume and read reviews and forums not sure really why its Ducati's fault. Your english is fine by the way , your annoyed and unhappy and recommend people pay the extra and have listed the failings in the product as you perceive them. look on the bright side ( pun intended ) you can add some auxiliary driving lights and some front springs for a lot less than 2300euros you saved.

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  11. I didn't know about this issues. I couldn't get those from any magazine, indeed I wrote a letter to our most popular bike magazine in Italy about the lack of any test on the 1200DVT Standard. I couldn't perform any night test ride because I was not aware and I was thinking "It's a Ducati, it must be good"! For this reason I want to pass the info which could be useful for somebody. I don't have to convince everybody!
  12. And there ends the first lesson. It must be good its a ducati ;-) hear your angry but if you don't laugh you will cry!

    Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 21.07.25.png
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  13. The standard dvt headlights are fairly shite I have to agree but didn't want to stump up the extra £3k for the S. Looking at buying some spots to supplement the poor 2x dip 2x main
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  14. So what changed from the original model ? My 2012 S Touring lights up the night sky like a search light. Andy
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. A set of fork springs and oil - £150
    Halogen bulbs or even sports - what £200
    Heated grips, centre stand all optional extras that can be added to the bike

    If you want extras, you have to pay :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Hi Bradders I have the base DVT MTS. What bulbs did you upgrade to. Are they H11's? TOA fir any info.
  17. Sorry no idea but be amazed if there aren't any :)
  18. I have a 2010 year multistrada abs and I a man amazed at the lights...guess I a man used to rubbish before that. My suspension has been tuned, and seems pretty good for most situations, haven't been on track yet and it will need resetting for that.
  19. Yeah the base Multi DVT suspension is pretty tuneable for the road and could be re-tuned for the track. Just would like more light
    And spread of the headlight.
  20. I don't agree with the recommendation of don't buy the base dvt 1200, I have one and it's awesome, it's well specified and the lights are ok although I don't ride much in darkness. Only thing for me is I would like to go skyhook next time as I sometimes have a pillion and manually adjusting the suspension is not really going to happen, maybe a tweak of the rear preload and that's about it. The base model is imo the best value model.
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