1200 Enduro Anyone Fitted Scottoiler Esystem To Multi Enduro?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by hottubbiker, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. I had the eSystem fitted on my 2010 Multi S and removed it when I sold the bike. I'm now thinking of fitting it to my new Enduro. Thing is the Scottoiler site doesn't really go into any detail about how to fit it so I was wondering if anyone out there had any knowledge?
  2. Carry a can of spray & yes I also own a e-system which once I find the tube part I'm giving it too a guy on therevcounter. As frankly all I got from it was a cool blue display & oil pissing all over a wheel constantly.
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  3. Thanks for that. Buy in the U.K. Or direct from the manufacturer in the USA?
  4. Had the e-oiler scot thing on my 11plate Mutley. Whilst in Italy touring on it my mate on his 848 Heave Ho constantly complained of being splattered with drops of oil while behind me! It didn't seem to prolong the life of my chain either. Sent the unit back once, as I was convinced it had a fault. It didn't said the northern folk. Wouldn't buy another one.
  5. Direct from usa & usually its below the threshold for import duty. A very good spray adapter tool indeed!
  6. Gunzenbomz - there's three different oilers on the site, which one fits the Multi?
  7. Buy them all! ;)
  8. I got my Scottoiler today and have arranged for the dealer to fit it as I don't want to (a) f#%k up my new bike by snipping the wrong pipe (I'm not 100% convinced on the instructions) and (b) the bike has to back to the dealer to fix both a cracked screen and more worryingly I have a constantly light MIL light. I've only done 50miles on the bike as Winter has been ... too long!:weary:
  9. There you go

    Regards Steve

    Attached Files:

  10. This is where I mounted the control box for the Scottoiler, works a treat - plenty of room for your fingers when on the clutch and you don't have to take your hands off the bars to adjust!!!

    Just made a little mounting bracket which works with the existing screw holes, and the cable follows the existing cable run down to the headstock :)

    Enduro Dash.JPG Enduro left hand.JPG
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  11. Had one fitted to my s1000rr when I bought it. Could not get it to work and had manufacturer on the phone on several occassions but no dice. Just gave up. It is a nice blue screen but that seems to be as far as it goes.

    Regards Steve
  12. I had one on my Pikes Peak.... spat the whole tube of oil over the back wheel twice (once my fault the next a system fault)... hate the thing and had it removed... I hope you have better luck with yours.
  13. Had my Scottoiler fitted by the dealer but was a little baffled as their mechanic fitted it to the front sprocket. Unusual upon first thoughts but by all accounts its perfectly fine to have it fitted to the front sprocket. This is a bit of pain as you cant see the oil drop on to the sprocket and make sure the oil is feeding at the correct rate. However, overall its working fine and I'm quite pleased with it.
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