another tynesider 1098s

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by jase, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. hi all im on my first duc 1098s i bought in the beginning of January and im loving it done about a thousand miles so getting more comfortable with it each time i go out, saturday gone i had the suspension set up for me as it was too soft on the front, :upyeah: what a difference cant wait for the next rideout to see properly :biggrin:

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  2. Allll reeeeet Jase
  3. way aye man
  4. Welcome aboard Jase
  5. Alright Jase, know you off the R1 forum, new here myself, with a name change.
  6. Welcome Jase, nice bike:upyeah:
  7. cheers chaps. wasta could you be outkast by any chance??:biggrin:

  8. Got it in one, had a name change , getting tired of outkast.
    Just got a 900 Monster 1999, got the R1 still. I had an itch that needed scratching, love it, totally different to the Yam but in a nice way.
  9. me too i loved the r1 but something drew me to the 1098s, to be fair the engines are quite similar i was expecting a huge difference but not at all.:upyeah:
  10. Yeah, the wobbly crank gives a lot of engine breaking, maybe thats why the Monster engine appeals so much.
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