Zorst packing

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Ghost Rider, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. I'm piddling around with my zorsts at the moment and intend repacking the cans.....(about half the original packing had gone)

    ......I have a couple of rolls of E Glass long strand mat....so, without going into the realms of kg / ltr etc etc, if my cans are 98mm diameter and 400mm long, plus the perforated pipe up the middle is approx 50mm diameter, how many times should the mat be wrapped around the pipe?

    Will the E glass stuff expand a lot?

    I always used to do re-packable zorsts with wire wool but that stuff was basically cr*p and burned off pretty quick; loose fill tended to blow out pretty much straight away; and wrapping the perforated pipe with wire wool left it welded to the pipe and the fill.


  2. I re-wrapped my cans with this wadding stuff? Came in a sheet, like cotton wool. I wrapped it round the baffle then tied it in place with a few twists of stainless lockwire?

    Dont put too much in. I am strongly in support of a minimum noise limit for motorcycles so they dont sound all wuffly like a Honda & Ducati's to be exempt from any dB limit - noise-testing to be done scorecard-style at the MOT centre by three bikini-clad nubiles, scoring for overall loudness, crispness & overall fk-yes-awesomeness! :upyeah:
  3. I know the more you put in, the louder it is......because it is more dense....

    How many times did you wrap around the perforated pipe?

  4. 1 1/2? Should eliminate any blow-by, plus I have enough left for the other can :)
  5. Issat all?

    I thought at least three.....one zorst specialist reckons it should 'feel' like a mattress, but not like a quilt.....

    ....trouble is the roll I have is wrapped about six times around a cardboard tube and it feels like a mattress already.......

    .....I need to stick a blowlamp on bit to see if it expands with heat.......

    ....I was going to use three bits of masking tape to hold it while I slipped the can on.....(the glue dries out and the tape falls off)

  6. Worked for me? The lockwire keeps it strapped to the baffle so it shouldnt make any more or less noise than one which has been double-wrapped as such?

    Heat-resistant Foil-tape would make a better job of holding it together, plus it would stay together if you had to take it apart again?


    I bought a roll of it back from the States, used it to tape up the air-leaks on the forced-hot-air heating ducting, quite literally as duct-tape. :smile:
  7. I'm puzzled, why wrap wire round the outside of the packing? It needs to wrapped tight enough so it expands to be in contact with the inside surface of the can..

  8. Unfortunately I forgot all about the d*mn stuff which is why I have E glass.....

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