749 Bike Wont Start

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by Penfold, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. So... Been out and did a 40 mile ride today. The bike started well and rode fine. Then made a stop for a cuppa and when I tried to restart the bike it just made a whurring sound. turned it off and left it 5 mins and she started fine like normal. Came home and after a few hours decided to go out again, press the button and just get a "click" after the pump primes.

    Sprag was done in October, exact start leads fitted over xmas, have checked the fuses around the bike, checked the ecu earth.

    The starter motor isnt whurring and it just sounds like its the solanoid clicking... Any ideas you guys? Shes been ok over winter on the few nice days we've had so cant understand why this has happened all of a sudden.

    Oh and the battery is new.. charges well and holds charge (tested)
  2. Could just be the solenoid, Bridge a screwdriver across the heavy duty terminals and see if it turns, be firm it might spark at first.
  3. ok when i do this what i am i looking for? besides the spark lol
  4. It will eliminate a faulty solenoid. With ignition on hopefully it will turn over and start.
    When I say bridge the heavy duty cables I mean the ones connected to the solenoid.
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  5. im gonna have summat eat then I'll go out and try in in ab hour... get the effin battery box off again ffs
  6. What are your battery voltages before you start it and when it did run?
  7. @Birdie just done what ya said.... it just sparked and clicked... no turn over/start

    @Denzil the Ducati aint 100% but i just turned on the clocks and says 14.1
  8. I would check the tightness of the fixing bolts/nuts of your relatively newly installed 'exact start' cables. Maybe one of them has come loose!
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  9. That was the issue couple of weeks ago on a thread - not tightened up at all on one connection :)
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  10. done and checked.. socket tight
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. Do you have a jump lead?
    If you do, you can eliminate the earth path being a problem by putting one end of a jump lead directly on -ve battery, and other end clipped to starter and try to start bike again.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. also try putting into a high gear and then rock the bike forward/backward so engine turns a tad. then into neutral and try again
  13. Any news???
  14. not had chance to do anything... I will attempt again next weekend as ive been bogged down with uni work.

    As soon as theres anything to report i will :)
    #14 Penfold, Feb 21, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2017
    • Like Like x 1
  15. It's such a fkn hassle stripping everything down
  16. mine is half stripped, its the battery box and the palava to take that off and get behind that that bugs me
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Right guys an update.. with one thing an another (mostly university related) and subsequently having to "adult" again and get a job (I'm taking a year out before I continue study for PhD) I've finally managed to strip the 749 down. Turns out that the sprag bearing I replaced last year was faulty. So I've ordered another one and am awaiting its delivery.

    It was nothing to do with anything electrical.. although it failed when I had replaced leads etc which lead me to believe it was electrics related.

    Anyway all should be good when its one. SO happy ending hopefully.. just waiting now lol.
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