I havent seen this before but possibly a touch too much of the CF? What do you think? available here. Welcome to Bestem USA - Incite an evolution!
I really like it....dammit....why did you have to post it on here...now I'll have to start counting my schekels again...:frown:
I don't.......not the piece itself but as an individual add on......now if you were going to replace all the red panels with carbon that might be different! :-O .......or here's a carbon tricked variant JP and I have been talking about: I have a few extra carbon bits on my Sport but the budget won't stretch to the front and rear quarter panels.........I'll be getting a similar look by using standard black panels, already have the black rear quarter panels fitted and on the lookout for the front ones...
Just a quick question, Andy - how many miles do you get on a tank before the reserve light comes on with your Termi?
I don't often wait for the reserve light and tbh it's so long since I last rode I can't remember (been laid up since last Oct re more surgery on my leg). MPG wise, reasonably legal 'cruising' I've had up to 50mpg.......but down as low as 36mpg when going for it a bit! :-O Average seems to be around 42/45 mpg. My ECU is running the original software i.e. not had any of the updates that apparently make the bike run too 'rich' and so increases fuel consumption - always instructed my Dealer when the bike's with them to leave as is as it runs pretty well (the low rpm 'surging' in negligible) and many of the reports I read from other guys with Termi systems after the ECU updates put me off any changes - less crisp throttle response and over fueled (I think the over rich mixture was something done by Ducati to reduce exhasut gas temps as licence plates/holders were being melted!). One of these days when finances allow a trip to CJS might be on the cards.
Sorry I didn't make that as clear as i could.......the replacement ECU that came with the Termi is still running the same software/maps ;-) By the way, the OE ECU and 'Race@ ECU that comes with the full Termi are exactly the same hardware, not even any pretence that that it's different, just a hand written sticker to identify it! 'Race' ECU on the right So, if you can get your hands on a full Termi system without the ECU I expect that CJS could do the ECU 'upgrade' ;-)
Thank you. Here's a couple more pictures, I've got other bits and bobs to do. Tail tidy, Rizoma pots and a new exhaust.