998 Battery/starter Cable Set.

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by PVW, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Spotted some corrosion on the weedy battery and starter cables so decided to upgrade them and after some research bought the kit below so thought would share with others.
    Spotted superb ones on fleabay but the cost was well,wow. These I thought were more than ideal for the cost.

    Motowheels battery cable kit 996R/998
  2. Nice spot Chris. :upyeah: At that price it's almost worth me not risking the sack by making some at work.

    (As ridiculous as this sounds, if anyone from my work is on here, I have never and would never steal from anyone and the above comment was for entertainment only :p).
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Does it help, such an upgrade? I mean, is your starter cranking faster now?
  4. @Exige Is there the remotest chance you might have a soupçon of a view here.....?
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. @Exige is your man for knowledge in this area.

    I have just fitted a set of his Hi Cap cables to the 1198 and the difference is night and day. I will be ordering a set for Mrs M's monster in the not too distant future too. Can't vouch for the quality or performance of the items mentioned above but would most certainly recommend a set of Exact Start ones from our resident guru :D
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. @Exige ...Hmm, he must be asleep :grinning:

    I also have set on my 1198 and have been very impressed.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Yes certainly, they work, save you money in the long run and mine are the best you can buy :D - manufactured by a specialist Rail & Aerospace Cable manufacturer here the UK.
    Just read our specs on the web site and make your choice :upyeah:

    The dearer American Kits are circa $130 (ours are higher quality according to people who have purchased both in the past such as @AirCon ) - not seen these cheaper American cables before but I would suggest you either buy the best , or do as Chris says and make your own cheap ones. Remember some bikes will need battery box lids cutting open to fit standard terminals. All my terminals are designed specially for each fitment.

    My 998 Kit is £67.95 (forum subscriber price) including 1st Class Signed delivery and full fitting kit with dielectric Gel / Alcohol Swabs and other stuff.
    The cheaper American Kit ($45) is $70 with uninsured delivery and $105 with insured delivery.
    Add import duty @2.7% then vat @20%, customs / handling charge (£12 nominal) that equates to £81.07 uninsured and £115.62 insured so direct comparison to mine - and what have you got in the end you will ask yourself :Wideyed:
  8. Evening :)
  9. I fitted a set of Exige cables to my S4 along with a new motobatt battery and it is the best starting Ducati I've ever owned.

    Well, is now that I know the immobiliser kicks back in if you leave the key in the ignition for over 15 Sec.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Oh , and thanks TT for the alert.
    Don't mention it ( oh, you didn't....)
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. I thanked you :mad:
  12. Twice now :D
  13. ;):Cigar:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Clear your locker and get out!!!
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