1200 DVT 1200 Dvt Catalytic Converter Mod

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by soundhound86, Mar 29, 2017.

  1. I will, also I will take pictures and do a write up on here, and video the difference in sound,

    Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
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  2. Gave up on drilling the butterfly and installed a spring. My bike has a disconnected Duc ee. I got a really wonky idle and Ducati said reset everything and disconnect duc ee. Well idle hasn't acted up since then but I feel power is better/smoother without butterfly in operation.
  3. There is still a butterfly on the dvt? When will they learn.
  4. Excuse my ignorance on this subject guys as I have just got my 1200DVT. I agree with a lot of the comments the bike is a bit quiet. As for the butterfly valve issues I can't comment as I've not done any real miles on the bike as yet.

    I really like the look of the short carbon Termi that is on my Pikes Peak, its a pity Ducati don't just do a de-cat pipe for it with a servo delete.
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  5. They were taking turns to ride behind me at the weekend, to a man and wench they all said it was the best twin they've heard for years. It does sound the bollox when your up and down the gears, especially up and down the coast road near the cliffs of Moher, but on a straight run it does get a bit much sometimes. I had foam earplugs in and an Arai tour lid on, the Suono had the little 'baffle' in. I've bought a proper baffle to mess about with. Report to follow.
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