1200 Low Beam Missing In Action

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Twin4me, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. Just started using the bike for commuting again and I'm having problems with the lights on the bike. The main beam and passing light (same thing) works fine but the dip beams seem to have a life of their own. Sometimes on and sometimes off. A quick flick to main and back was restoring them but this morning they seemed to stop working all together.

    I'm think it's probably the switch or wiring, but is there a fuse to try. I don't think it's the bulbs, and I'm not sure how tricky it is to replace these.

    Any other clever suggestions?

    Not looking forward to the run home on full beam tonight...
  2. What year is the bike?
  3. Bulb changing is a piece of p155 - 10 minute job. Check the connectors are on tight first, but it is possible the bulbs are shot - I have got through about 4 on mine in 5 years.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Don't you have to remove all the fairing to get at the bulbs? I went and looked at lunchtime and they look fine to me. I recon it's the switch, it's already been changed once and it's flaky when changing the the trip meter.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. You just have to remove the black plastic bits around the cubby hole and fuse box, none of the coloured bits - it's easy (must be as I can do it!!).
  6. Likely culprit is the low beam relay. It's the centre relay of the 3 under the LH panel over the fuses. The rear one is for high beam and the one at the front for the hands free system. They are all the same, swapping the high and low beam relays should show transfer the problem to the main beam if that's the fault. These micro-relays are available from most motor factors for about a fiver.
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  7. Had exactly the same problem a few weeks back. The wires going to the relays were not fitting tight. They were actually just touching. Take the relay off, make sure to remember where things go (if not consult any wiring diagram of the many available), with small pliers bend the female pins inwards just a bit and then reattach them to the relay. The bending will make them fit really tight (don't bend them to a point that it will be impossible to fit them back). Solved all of my problems after trying just about everything. The really nasty bit is that the wire doesn't come completely off for the lights to have a more consistent behavior (like being turned off all the time) and makes you think that the problem is elsewhere. I found out when I decided to change the relay as a last resort. But didn't have to eventually ...
    #8 tzoykas, Mar 11, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2015
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  8. As for your switch, use some contact cleaner, if you think that it may give you trouble. It will feel squeaky and harsh just after the spraying but any moisture will go away and it will eventually come back to its proper state. While I was trying to discover what's wrong with my low beam, I opened the switch. It's a very primitive construction (I would expect something much better for such an expensive bike). When you see it first time you understand why so many have failed. All the wire ends are buried in black silicone (so moisture cannot interfere). Although this does provide some basic protection (which should last), if something goes wrong and corrodes there is nothing more to be done but to change the switch. I don't expect anybody to try and remove the wires, remove the silicone, clean the ends, resolder them, put some silicone back and reassemble the thing. It is just unjustifiable effort. As for the switches themselves they don't seem to come off (without ruining them, in order to clean them with other methods from moisture and corrosion). So I just used ample contact cleaner and reassembled it. It hasn't failed yet.

    I always cover the switches and dash when I wash the bike.
    #10 tzoykas, Mar 12, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
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  9. Thanks, I was nervous about opening the switch, I could imagine myself looking at a garage floor covered in tiny springs, screw and ball bearings!
    The ride home on main beam was surprisingly acceptable, no irate car drivers complaining...
    Day off tomorrow so I'll investigate further
  10. Nice to hear you made it back safely. Let us know of the results so we can at least build a statistic :)
  11. First class diagnosis, that's what it was. Now to try and find a spare one.
  12. Glad to have helped.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. All fixed, but I had to buy a relay from the Ducati dealer, it was only £3.50, the dealer said they sell a lot of them!
  14. Thanks Derek, just had exactly the same problem, your diagnosis and fault finding was spot on.
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