"after a night's rest I can feel my fanny again"

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 470four, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Got to love the Yanks and their alternative choice of word meanings... :upyeah:

    Ferrous Fanny - Page 2 - Ducati.ms - The Ultimate Ducati Forum

    after a night's rest I can feel my fanny again. it was more numb than sore but I just rubbed it until the feeling came back. the first 3 hours yesterday were dark and rainy so my fanny was pretty moist. the sun came out and it dried out, but I-81 was such a long straight grind, I'm glad it's behind me.
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  2. I'm afraid that's lost in translation for me. What did the yank think he was talking about?
  3. His arse
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  4. His butt - after a particularly long & wet bicycle ride... :smile:
  5. Are you still here? :tongue:
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