For Sale 2013 Diavel - Ventura Rack

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by m@tt, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. Ventura rack kit for Diavel 2013 -2015 - not sure if it fits the early models but there are 2 listed on the Ventura site so best check
    Ducati Diavel motorcycle luggage rack | Ventura MCA

    L-brackets, pack rack, an grab handle - there are a couple of additional holes on the L- brackets but doesn't affect anything

    100 quid
  2. Bump before going to feebay
  3. do you still have this ?
  4. Sorry - sold yesterday on eBay
  5. bugger did you get what you were asking ? thats if you dont mind me asking
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