I'd finished replacing a Garmin Zumo 660 mount with one for my new Zumo 595LM in a Navihalter. I then thought I'd try the screen adjustment, it was a bit stiff then I noticed that the rod (item 6 in the diagram below) was lose and on inspection the ball joint (item 12) had been pushed out the plastic molding (item 15) and was resting on top of the headlight unit. It took me four hours to get the ball joint back into the molding and everything reassembled (OK some time was spent on cleaning parts). There was a small hole through the bottom of the rod, so I put a split pin in to retain the ball joint should it every get pushed out again. No sure why this happened. The bike had been laid up since October so maybe the ball joint had seized onto the rod. The inner part of the ball joint was solid in the housing which may not have helped, I didn't try too hard to free it before I put in back. It looks like the ball joint held in place by an interference fit rather than a clip or being glued. Anyway, I just thought I'd put out warning that if you're screen doesn't adjust easily be very careful how much force you use.
Same on me here today. Really hard job to remove all the plastics. Took me about three hours to fix it.