1200 Front End Clunk

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by NSR500, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. Bouncing the multi there is a clunk coming from the front! Suggestions welcome, brake caliper? Discs? Forks? Hmmmmm
  2. I had similar on my 749, it was loose bolts between the head light bucket and head stock. The whole headlight bucket & top fairing etc is held in place by 4 x m6 or M8 bolts. These can come loose, and this gives clunk from the front end.

    Is the Multi a similar set up?
  3. It's from further down, nearer brake/disc/caliper area... everything else seems pretty solid
  4. Pads moving on pins?

    Is it all the time or just when you compress the forks or when you brake?

    If you raise the front and spin the front wheel do you hear it?
  5. There was something similar to this some time back and the outcome was the springs in the forks clunking on the inside of the legs.
  6. Only when you push on the front end, sounds fine while braking. If u spin the wheels everything sounds normal.
  7. Hmmmm. It's an interesting possibility, looks like brake strip, if even to eliminate a brake issue.
  8. Time to roll up the sleeves and get stuck in I think. Hopefully over the next couple days I will find a solution! I hope....
  9. If it's the S model with Ohlins it could be that they need shimming. It was quite a common fault with earlier models. I had it on my 2012 S Touring. They rattled like a tin of nails over small bumps It was eventually fixed by the dealer shimming out the internals
  10. I'm experiencing the same problem at the moment, 2010 multi S. Only happens when you're riding, I explained this when it was last in for a service at Ducati Mcr but was told they couldn't fix it and I would have to take it to an expert in Ohlins suspension!
  11. Where did you get yours fixed?
  12. That sounds like a load of bollocks they're quoting you!
    Ducati Manchester dealt with mine and it was fixed under warranty as it was quite a common problem at the time. In fact they replaced one of the fork legs because it was so bad and the shims wouldn't sort it out.
    If you search back through the forum you'll find plenty of posts on this subject.
    Try taking t up to Ducati Preston as an alternative if you get no joy. Same company but nicer people IMHO
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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