
Discussion in 'Forum News' started by Desmo Pete, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Just removed the Ducatisti stickers off my bike and need something to replace them with.

    Any chance of a Ducati Forum sticker in the pipeline??

    • Like Like x 2
  2. Absolutely - they will be coming soon :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 7
  3. Great! I would love to sport the colours on my bike.

  4. Awesome, will be wanting one.

    Now I just have to figure out where it could go.......
  5. +1 here :smile:
  6. Me and emm too
  7. Same here.
  8. Just removed mine and found the scratch underneath it was covering. So Def need new ones. In black please :wink:
  9. With the tax disk of course :wink:
  10. how about some t shirts/polo's/fleece's/skinnys for the girlies/.... i'd be happy to dip into pixie's account for this .....god i love it here ,i know some are ex tisti's but the atmos is so much easier to breath in so lets make it even more exclusive/bespoke ...anyone else feel the same???? maybe even a forum clothing/accessories section ?????
    • Like Like x 3
  11. +1 for T-shirts, Mrs H tells me I need some new ones.
  12. Yes please for stickers and a snood
  13. T-shirts and stickers.!! I got banned from another forum for trying to organise yes I'm in favour.
  14. Its nearly summer,so how about a thong.And dont think about athking me to thing.
  15. Just stickers for me please!
  16. Let's kick this guy out! :tongue:

    I'll have a sticker or two too.
  17. [​IMG]

    I jest, lol

    Stickers please! Nothing too huge, can't be dealing with big stickers on the Doocat but will make an exception here...
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Small bike sticker, car sticker, and t shirt would be great
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