Just removed the Ducatisti stickers off my bike and need something to replace them with. Any chance of a Ducati Forum sticker in the pipeline?? Pete
Just removed mine and found the scratch underneath it was covering. So Def need new ones. In black please :wink:
how about some t shirts/polo's/fleece's/skinnys for the girlies/.... i'd be happy to dip into pixie's account for this .....god i love it here ,i know some are ex tisti's but the atmos is so much easier to breath in so lets make it even more exclusive/bespoke ...anyone else feel the same???? maybe even a forum clothing/accessories section ?????
T-shirts and stickers.!! I got banned from another forum for trying to organise some.....so yes I'm in favour.
I jest, lol Stickers please! Nothing too huge, can't be dealing with big stickers on the Doocat but will make an exception here...
Milovanmultistrada deigned a shirt on this site and we were able to purchase just a few ....saves trying to organise numbers, styles, etc......excellent quality ....my red long sleeved shirt has not bled into the white or shrunk. Haggis Hunt 2011 Personalised T-Shirts & T-Shirt Printing | Spreadshirt.co.uk