1200 DVT Help... Kriega Us30 Or Top Box?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Bocker, Apr 10, 2017.

  1. HI all

    In need of some advice.
    About to go on a trip to Europe, but its the first time with the other half on the back.
    On my DVT I have the top box and panniers, but with two of us I am not sure there will be enough luggage room with the top box. So I have been looking at the Kriega US30 and 2x US20 to replace the top box.

    I have looked around at how everyone else seems to have fitted their Kriega bags and it looks like they are all going across the pillion seat. Can these not be fitted further back on the top box rack so the pillion seat is still free?

    The Mrs likes the top box due to the support and she feels secure, something she will not have with the Kriega bags on the back I guess.

    I would appreciate your insight/experience on the best way to go, the pro and cons of top box verses Kriega system.
  2. The fixing straps for the Kreiga gear are pretty versatile so I would expect you would be able to fit them to the top box rack. However, as you have already noted, your pillion will not have the support or security offered by the top box and I think that should be the deciding factor for a long trip.

    On previous bikes I have used a Kreiga US20 to supplement the capacity of the top box and side cases when touring but my other Givi top boxes all allowed the fitting of a metal rack to the lid. I don't believe there is such an accessory available for the Ducati "Givi" box but someone here may know better.

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  3. I tour with my wife and she insists that the topbox is used as her support/backrest. However I also use a Kreiga 20 which I have managed to secure using the kreiga straps and bungies to the top of the topbox - a bit fiddly at first but once I got the routine figured out it worked well. You could buy the Kreiga tank pad to which you can attach the Kreiga 20 to and use it as a tank bag. The tank pad can be bought from the sportsbike shop for 19.95 I believe.
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  4. I have just tried that :)
    I have the US 30 bag and the straps are just a few inches to short to go over the top of the top box. I'll see if I can dig out some bungies and give it another go.
    Normally when I am on my own I have an over supply of luggage space on the bike, I think the Mrs will have to rethink her wardrobe :D

    With the bag on top of the top box, did you find any problems with the stability of the bike?
  5. The best way to go is what suits your circumstances. If your wife likes the top box for the feeling of security I'd say you'll be using the top box, I know I'd rather have my wife happier feeling secure than nagging me all holiday.

    When I go by myself for a weekend I use the top box with a few bits and pieces that I need access to, all my clothing goes into an ortlieb bag across the back seat. I enjoy having the space in the top box for helmet and gloves when I stop so they are secure and out of sight. If I have a pillion the top box gets used for both helmets and the panniers are on for clothing. My mates generally use the same sort of set up. Last years trip in Europe I had the top box and panniers for myself and I had loads of space.

    Two things you don't mention are the length of your trip, which will effect how much you take, the other thing is where you are staying if it's hotels you'll need to consider if there is any dress code for meals. If you're camping it's definitely easier with all the stuff in a waterproof bag across the rear rack, this will also provide a secure feeling because of its size.

    If you have the Ducati top box it's just a rebranded Givi one. For the price of Kriega gear you should be able to source an old larger top box from eBay which will give more room and if it has the rack fitted to the lid that provides another handy storage place. I don't know if the Givi top box rack will fit on the Ducati box, it's just four screws that secure it.

    Jonmarks avatar above shows the setup I'm meaning.

    The top box alone won't give the storage that kriega bags you're looking at, I think Givi goes up to around 50 litres.

    Other storage could be a tank bag.

    Elasticated Cargo nets are also useful

    Hope you have a good trip whatever you end up with.
    #5 Columbus, Apr 10, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017
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  6. Kriega tail packs are ideal for fixing to the top box rack. The short straps fix to the rack and stay there and the open buckles slot into them then its quick-release with just a quick yank to tighten straps. I use one on the rear rack of my KTM.

    Not as high when fully packed as a top box but probably enough to provide nice support for the small of the back. Rides well to because it'll go on lengthways and you don't know its there at speed. 100% waterproof too. I put clothes in mine and they've never got a hint of damp even in prolonged wet riding.
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  7. So the plan is to do a quick weekend trip to a friend's holiday flat in France first, to see if the Mrs is ok with being on the back for a longer time than she has done before.
    I want to go (although not needed) fully loaded to see what the bike will be like. Because we are off down to Aragon in Spain in Sept for the Moto GP and are away for 10 days.
    No camping on either of these two trips as the other half like her creature comforts.

    I have tried to keep to the 10kgs in each of the panniers and top box. So I gave her the biggest pannier bag and said "you can fill that with your stuff but keep it under 10kgs"
    I think the response was something like " how the hell I am going to fit all my stuff in that p***y little bag?!" :D
    Like you I was trying to keep the topbox free for helmets and small selection of tools and camera gear. I guess I will have to her the space in the topbox.

    The trip to France will be no problem but I think a 10 day trip for two could be a struggle without the Kriega.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Tactical packing
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  9. No problem with stability but it took a while to get the straps/bungies right and bear in mind I was using the smaller Kreiga US20.
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  10. Women's wardrobes and motorcycle luggage capacity are rarely good bed partners. The compromise we have come to over the years is that we each have one side case (she gets the larger one on the Multi) plus whatever space is available in the top box after other travel essentials have been packed (chargers, locks, visor cleaners, spare gloves etc.).

    This doesn't prevent all the whining but she at least appreciates that she has the lions share of the available space.

    I would also recommend not using the case liner bags. Although more convenient that carrying the hard cases around, they take up valuable space themselves.

    The earlier suggestion of a using a standard Givi top box with a lid rack for longer trips is inspired. Can't believe I didn't think of it for myself. :Banghead:
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  11. I just used the "this is how it is" Technique.

    Most blokes need little storage but women need it. in these events two up and with a slight tour going on, I've told them the top box is mine, the panniers are yours and the tank bag is the bikes, you can take as much as you want as long as it fits in the panniers. Ladies can be surprisingly creative with packing when they want to be.

    I also agree with others, pillions of any sex do prefer a top box in general for support and feeling safer
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  12. I've got something similar to this Soft bags XS306 TANKLOCK - GIVI
    it's great holds way more than you think and comes off with the simple push of a leaver.
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  13. Agreed, and a top box is more secure than Kreiga bags.

    We do it the other way around. My wife has the top box and I have the panniers, but I have to pack shared stuff (hair dryer, USB charging hub & cables, pills/potions/creams) in the panniers.

    I looked at putting a rack on the top box, then decided that we needed to cut back on what we were packing.

    I purchased the Ducati Touring tank bag which uses the Givi TankLock ring (not included with this bag but which I had as part of the Urban Accessory Pack). It's a good size and the bars don't touch it on full lock. Givi now sell a very similar bag, the X320, which almost half the price however it's not listed for the Multistrada, I wonder why :)
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  14. I find the rack is handy for waterproofs on those iffy days when it's dry but looks like a monsoon is on its way. They're easily at hand and you don't need to open any other luggage if you get caught out
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  15. Can't you strap a US 20 on top of each pannier ? I know it's a Panzerwaggon, but like this....[​IMG]
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  16. That's exactly what I was thinking of using a rack on the top box for. I was concerned that I'd end up strapping other things on it as well. I decided to try to cut back on what we pack rather than find ways of strapping more kit onto the bike.
  17. The best solution to keeping the luggage on the bike to a minimum I've heard of is to pack up changes of clothes and posts them to destinations on your route, then post back the dirty clothes as you go. Obviously you can't do it if you're booking hotels as you go and I suppose it might also help if you were the CEO of UK Mail (which he was) :)
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  18. Having looked at my topbox there doesn't seem to be any guide mark for where to drill as some other topboxes I have seen. I guess that doesn't matter, but once screwed on does it leak?

    I could whack some sealant around the post.
  19. I did try that, however I have the other style of panniers. And there are no handy clips to tie on to.

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