Hi Guys, I'm doing a little modification to a 999s and had to weld up a new front subframe for the fairing, I unplugged pretty much everything on the front to get everything clear. But now I'm getting two error codes 37.2 and 37.4, I understand one is a serial communication line to the dash but the other.. escapes me.. it says "ccm serial drive" in the book, What in Italian heaven is that? Anyone had similar codes? Also.... Can you still get ducatiDiag? been searching for a while with no luck! Thanks for you help
They both refer to the immobiliser serial connection between the dash and the ECU. The immobiliser can't communicate with the ECU and vice-versa. The fault could be at either end. Did you disconnect the battery before welding? DucatiDiag is now JPdiag and is available here.
I use this post 1 http://ducatiforum.co.uk/index.php?threads/8959/ Scan M5 DTC Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
hmm.. Could it be as simple as a broken/loose connection? The bike ran for about 30 seconds then it died, Could it have shook something loose? Of course yeah, and every other electrical component susceptible to damage
Hi again folks! Still having the same issue, checked the serial connection between the dash and ccm and it all checked out ok.. At a bit of a loss! Would a mathesis tester show more insight to an issue like this?
Apparently (I'm not 100% sure) the immobiliser is built into the dash but there is a serial communication line to the ECU, The wire is 100% ok, I but a scope on it and I could see data being transferred so that makes me think its a software problem. I'm a little lost as what to do now though, theres no way in hell I am taking it to a dealer so they can just show me the bill for a new one, If it happened once.. it can happen again so aftermarket ecu will be the way forward if i can fix it!
Worth doing even though you are seeing batch data , the same wire, ohms check it to earth and ohms check to battery positive to see if any leakage . Try hard battery reset .....undo and hold negative terminal on to positive for a minute just to pull all capacitors down then refit battery lead ....worth a go
I'll give that a go tonight, One other thing.. It constantly shows VBATT incorrectly on the dash. Whats the chances of that being part of the problem?
Connor, have you recently checked your battery voltage at the battery (not on the dash) with an accurate metre. If not then do so, minimum should be 12.7v after the battery has been off charge for a couple of hours or more, ideally it should be higher than that. If the ecu senses a battery out of range it will automatically set the VBATT indication. If you push the RH button with VBATT showing it should temporarily indicate the voltage that the ecu is seeing. Out of range voltages are <10v and >16v, on start the lower voltage is reduced to 8.5v. Your issue could simply be a dodgy battery so it needs to be eliminated as a possible cause.
I spliced open the earth from the ecu and connected it directly to the ground on the battery to make sure it wasn't an earth problem, I'm out of ideas now... should I just burn it? aha
If you're getting the vbatt error, that suggests the proper voltage is not arriving, even if it's available from the battery. Poor or corroded contact or even a broken wire somewhere? Have you checked all of the fuses are nice and flat and slid them all in and out several times to remove any oxidation?? A twisted or corroded fuse will not make proper contact.
Hi, Thanks for your help I'm not getting a battery voltage error, I tried a new battery to rule it out as a possibility. All the fuses seem to be in good working order.. Any other ideas?
One thing I did forget to mention is that the whole loom from the dash to the ECU has been extended about 50cm, I doubt that would matter because it did run with this set up for a while with no immobiliser issues.
This loom extension ...... even though bike run for so long it still worth checking through , it may be at fault it may not but it has to be ruled out to move on . You can continuity test the wires but draw back with continuity is that the wires are not under any load , I normally un plug any ecms and supply 12 volts to the wire and use say a 21 watt bulb down to ground to put wire under a little load , or volt drop test . Have you a wiring diagram for the bike