Multistrada Clocks

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by DucatiLearner, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. Hi all,

    I have a strange question but for a genuine reason!

    I have a 2012 Multistrada and have just purchased a 2015 multistrada S. Does anyone know if the clocks/speedometer are interchangeable? I have a need to put the 2012 clocks onto the 2015 bike temporarily.
    I dont care what it looks like aesthetically once it functions and shows the milage.

    Mant Thanks
  2. NO.... they cannot be changed, not even from bike to bike of exactly the same model without plugging it into the "Computer".
  3. Cheers thanks for that. Back to the drawing board so.
  4. Agree, I always thought key to ecu to clocks was a paired set type of thing that could only be dealt with by electronic elecktrickery
  5. I swapped clocks from same make and model with no issues ,I tried to use a different model the 's' multi when mine was not an 's' and it didn't work so wasted money on eBay. I don't think the key is linked to clocks based on my experience

  6. I've tried on several S models and above and it don't work.
  7. Which models exactly?
  8. I tried a 2013 pikes peak on a 2011 abs and it didn't work, part numbers were the same all looked fine but bike wouldn't start , tried a 2012 abs on a 2011 abs and it worked and is still on the bike now.

    I say i tried i was given clocks by moto rapido they were a warranty exchange.
  9. In that case may be it's only the sky hook and ohlins bikes that have the issue?
  10. All this relates to 2011 abs bike with no electronic suspension. The 'S' model and standard bikes clocks are not interchangeable even though part numbers the same. At the time the tech told me they could be flashed but it was more trouble than it was worth hence why part no's were the same . It most definately is possible to take the clocks off another bike of same spec / year and plug in and drive out. Literally we took a set of clocks straight off the shelf that were a warranty return from a newer bike as I was desperate and plugged in and left. The mileage etc all changed to that of warranty clocks which took a bit of explaining at the mot And has really annoyed me as I am over 50k miles now but clocks only show 17k. I am sure that later bikes may be different and I lost £130 on eBay by not getting same model so just sharing the experience . I certainly have no knowledge apart from what I've done in this area so don't spend money on the back of my advice .

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