My 2002 748s with 12,500 total mileage and complete service record goes very well as long as I don't exceed 7,500/8,000 rpm. As soon as I get it up to those revs, the engine seems to cut, everything slows down, and as soon as I reopen the throttle everything is fine until I hit those revs again. I have replicated the symptom once when trying it out in neutral but usually it will get up to 11,000 rpm with out any problem. I am new to Ducatis and sports bikes and I don't know what a rev limiter feels like when it cuts in but in my ignorance that's what it feels like is happening. Any comments, suggestions for possible checks I can make, possible causes and possible cures? thanks, Tony
Thanks for the reply. It was serviced just over 2000 miles and a year ago. (The "10,000 km" service which specifies fuel filter change so I presume it was changed then). Is there a way to check the fuel filter to see if it is obstructing the fuel flow without removing it?
I'd double-check that it was actually replaced: mechanics hate changing them and often find a reason not to bother.
I bet you my inheritance (50p) that fuel filter wasn't changed! The filter is in the tank, also check the space under the pick - up. That also may be clogged up.
Thanks again for the replies. Things do seem to be improving though. I found a tin of injector cleaner in my garage and poured half of it into the full tank, I also took off the fairings and checked and pushed together all visible wiring connectors. I then took it out for a 30 mile run on the beautiful empty French roads around here. After a mile or so I wound it up a bit and got the same symptom at around 8000 rpm. However, this was the only time it did it and afterwards I deliberately revved the motor quite hard and it got up to 11,000 rpm no problem. I pushed fairly hard in low gears and got over 9 or 10 thousand rpm plenty of times, no repetition of the problem. Fingers crossed it was just the bike demanding a bit of a blast after very little use over the winter. Tony