They will fail safe , so pathway through valve block is open it is just like having normal brakes , all these senarios have to be thought through in design process , imagine full electrical failure at speed ....brakes still have to work , even with cars is servo assist fails you still have brakes but you just have to stamp on the pedal much harder . Just riding along the valve block is open, it only runs the pump and flutters the isolation valve and realease valves when lock up is seen by wheel speed sensors . BMW got it wrong on the old gs's on them the pump always run to develop pressure .....Ewan and errr errr yeah that's it ' Thingy ' on the long way round found out when they lost all brakes on them Panza's " today we have to go all the way over there on our own " .....followed by 5 support cars and 10 camera crew ..... " l was in Star Wars dontchaknow " ....
I thought failsafe, e.g. sensor failure, would be just no abs. But was wondering if there was one that does the opposite and applies brakes.
Nothing seems to be nipped regarding the brake lines but there is definitely something preventing the fluid returning to the reservoir. I stripped the calipers again tonight and the only way I can push all the pistons back at once is if I crack the caliper bleed nipple or disconnect the brake line from the caliper. (giving the same effect as cracking the master cylinder nipple I suppose, but as I was down below I just did at the caliper). The bike is in the garage for a service at the weekend and I have no doubt that the mechanic will be able to sort it with the help of some diagnostic gismos, but as a matter of pride I(+ everyone who has offered help) would have liked to have sorted it before he got a look at it. Still I have one more day to try releasing the hoses from the ABS unit. Just to put a tin hat on the situation I knocked the bike off its jacks tonight and broke the front brake lever. Cracked the hand guard, bent the rear brake lever, and put a small dent in the tubular frame.£££££££££. That's nearly as much damage as was caused when I was knocked off it in the first place. If it wasn't such a great machine I would get rid and get something easier on the nerves and wallet. Cheers Gary.
I see where you are coming from, but I think that the way you describe would only work If the brakes applied from start up and didn't let you move the bike. Would be a bit naughty if the fail safe didn't have a fail safe and the brakes came on at 2pm on a sunday afternoon while you were out blowing off a few cobwebs. Gary.