1200 DVT Keyfob Issue

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Shay, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. I got a low battery warning that my battery in the key fob was low. Changed battery and warning still there. Any suggestions good people......
  2. Ducati stuff...
    Get used to it...
  3. That's helpful
    • Like Like x 4
  4. Just like a ducati mechanic...
  5. As my Mam used to say.....if you have nothing useful to add say nothing at all!
    • Like Like x 3
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. Check your manual for pairing the fob too the ignition/antenaa system.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Glad that they ain't all equal.
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