Multistrada 1200s '11 Suspension Setting Question?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Richardn, May 6, 2017.

  1. I've just collected my new second hand MTS1200S Touring today (yippee). I cannot find a menu option for "load" i.e. how may passengers/ luggage etc. There is also no "DES" option if I want to customise rider modes. Am I missing something?
  2. Have a look at this , camera work a bit wobbly but gets you where you need to be

  3. Thanks very much but I have already viewed this and read the manual. I don't mean to seem ungrateful but the menu option on the youtube clip is not there. If I select the touring option (or any of them for that matter) there are no icons for people or luggage and no option to change anything. I just get the word "endure" or "sport" etc but with no symbols underneath. Also, irrespective of which rider mode I set, the electronic suspension just does a very brief whirr and nothing happens like on the video. Any other thoughts? I wondered if it has the upgraded SCU and that the menu options disappear?
  4. The Ohlins SCU upgrade does not change the menu settings so I do not think it would be that.
    Just checking that you realise the mode and the load settings are set separately, set the mode first and then press the reset button for 3 seconds to activate the load menu.
    Have you tried resetting to factory settings?
  5. This is the second time someone has had a similar issue where not all the functions were available. It is most definitely an error, what the error is I don't know. As a recent purchase it needs to be returned to the vendor for correction, if bought through a dealer or taken to a dealer to diagnose and fix. Andy
  6. Thanks for the help.

    Just in case I'm being a dumbf*ck I will try a reset. I did previously use the manual as an idiot guide but as mentioned, there were no little men or suitcases anywhere. I'll keep you posted. Am into my garage now to play and if I don't get any joy I will phone the dealer in the morning.
  7. Right then, I've tried everything I can think of. I've followed the manual verbatim and have also tried disconnecting the battery and reconnecting. Also carefully removed the SCU (with battery disconnected) and checked the pins for integrity etc. The menu options are still missing. I'm not getting ay error messages. Weird. Last ditch attempt will be check fuses, otherwise it's a phone call to the dealer in the morning. I was so looking forward to a run out today.....
  8. I think I might have sussed it. After some internet research... Apparently, if the BBS control module is replaced but not properly initialised by Ducati, the "Load" option is not enabled, hence unable to select number of riders, luggage/no luggage etc. The heated grips are also not enabled in this instance. Guess what? - yep - no heated grips. Calling the dealer in the morning and will let you know.
  9. I took the bike to Ducati Stoke yesterday and they did diagnostics and it appears that the BBS module is indeed faulty but stable. They managed to recover the missing load menu and heated grips but then got a BBS/DTC error. BBS. The dealer who supplied the bike is paying. Can't fault Ducati Stoke. They squeezed me in at short notice and no charge for the diagnostics.
  10. After switching the bike off and restarting it (following the Ducati diagnostic reset) everything was perfect... Then all of a sudden the selection of the menu in the round window didn't work. The lower switch did nothing. The next day it worked again. It seems as though it's a foible I am just going to have to learn to live with....
  11. Would a mechatronic ecu fix it and give you the witchcraft suspension?

    I got one second hand on eBay (from a forum member) and it was the best change I made to the bike.
  12. Bollox to that, you bought the bike in good faith with hard earned dollar. Hound them till its fixed !! :upyeah:
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