1200 Custom Made Rear Spring

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by markyd, May 31, 2016.

  1. I am about to order a custom made spring for the rear of my 2012 S model. I have spoken to a really helpful chap at South Yorkshire Springs (the manufacturer) and he can make a 51IDx187Lx95n spring for £36 delivered! He can't do Ohlins yellow so I'm getting it in red (RAL3020). I had to ask him to repeat the price a second time!

    It will not be in the same silicone steel that ohlins use. Apparently the silicone steel allows greater travel than chrome vanadium steel, but it isn't an issue with the stroke length that we need.

    He can do other stiffness as well for those of us that don't want to jump up to 100n
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  2. Hi,
    Interesting Mr Bond, I have a 2011 base model 1200 and 2 up touring ride is comfy but too soft. Looking for a cost effective fix nd very interested in your post!
    Cant wait for the next installment :)
  3. As above....

    give Teut a call at TW suspension & get his advice too. Top bloke
  4. Sounds cheap. Doesn't mean its bad, but buyer beware a bit :)
  5. I used South Yorkshire Springs to have a custom made spring to my specs for my KTM 390 Duke. First class service came beautifully finished. I found out that the chap who makes them has been in the spring manufacturing business for over 50 years. Have recommended him to many people who have also had custom made springs manufactured and have been as pleased as me.
    Iirc spring cost£20& p&p £10.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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  6. Just remembered that I wanted to go from oem 90 spring on my Ohlins TTX to 80.
    Was very surprised when I enquired at P&H that they would sell me a new genuine Ohlins spring for about £40 ( 2years ago)
    I even managed to get them to swap the spring over foc!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. So I played safe last summer and bought an ohlins 100nm spring as well (from P&H for considerably more than £40 !). I wasn't going to get any miles on it before heading out to Italy 2 up with full compliment of luggage and didn't want to risk it (somewhat irrational but hey ho). I keep meaning to fit the custom one as 100nm is too firm but have never found the time. Might try it this weekend. The finish/quality of the custom spring is first rate. Interestingly it is about 200 grams heavier than the ohlins spring. Guess that is the different grade steel.
  8. Make sure you can get the shock out first. They can be difficult
  9. I need to check.
    I think I've got one .... I need to sell in Yellow.
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