1299 Braketech Iron Discs? Anyone Used Them?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Addiction, May 10, 2017.

  1. Hi
    Just came across those iron discs from Braketech Braketech | AXIS Iron Rotors
    Did anyone had them fitted and what is your opinion?
    Going to fit them alongside GP4RX calipers.

  2. Forgive me but what benefit do you see in these to something like the Brembo Oro series which you can get in the UK. Although I couldn't navigate their web site to get a specific price, an average $750 + postage + 20% vat + UK import duty seems a very high price to pay. Andy
  3. That's one of my questions?
    I was told that they are much better then std discs and as love to have best possible brake setup they came to my attention.
    Was lookking at carbon discs but those are crazy price and not the best for road use.
    Front and back will be almost £1k
  4. Iron discs whilst good are not suited to the British weather. I have them on my track bike but will be using Brembo Oro series when the discs need replacing on my 1098R and my Multistrada. You should be able to find them for between £700 and £800 a pair in the UK. Andy
  5. Hi Andy
    Bike will never be ridden in a rain, just sunny summer times and dry track days (probably 2 max a year as limited with DB Akras makes).
    Do you think i will still have the problem?
    I have HPK discs here ready to fit but those are just a step up on them (that's what i was told), that's why i'm so keen on them.
  6. Absolutely nothing wrong with your HPKs, good solid braking performance. I'm guessing your bike is fitted with Brembo M50 calipers which will be well matched to them. If you are really that unhappy with your current set up, before throwing heaps of dosh at it, look at different pads and maybe a better master cyclinder that will give more feel. I use Brembo SC pads for all riding, road and track and have no problems shedding speed both under control and in "oh shit" moments. Andy
  7. Do you have a problem with your brakes then?
    Listening to people who tell you they are better is often not good advice.
    I am sure you brake set up at the moment is just fine.... Unless you are a GP rider who can outride your brakes now then leave alone and concentrate on better riding skills and having a smoother cornering ability is the key.
    Iron disc only work better because they are able to dissipate heat faster and more evenly due to the crystalline structure compared with other steels, but they are brittle compared to steel.
  8. I'm working on Brembo brakes as a day to day job and so my brain is only interested in brakes.
    I have GP4RX front and rear calipers here (220B01020)
    waiting to be fitted with Billet Brembo master cylinder ( XR0.11.71 ).
    TBH i'm sold on them braketech discs unless i'll find out that there is a reason not to buy them, if you guys know what i mean.
    It's one of those thinks that i will know at the end of my brain that i should of buy them rather then fitting HPKs.
  9. Also HPK does not do rear floating discs that looks great.
  10. Chan
    Change your set up one stage at a time and measure the results. A upgraded MC will make a significant difference.
  11. Tried to change the MC to Brembo Billet one the other day and boy or boy it's not so easy.
    As the std MC is made in sort of an angle it's impossible to fit aftermarket one without moving the killer switch as the lever hits the throttle otherwise.
    Ok, sorted this out with two button switch i have here but then how the f**k i'm gonna fit reservoir?
    It's just no room anywhere whatsoever :mad::mad::mad:

    Does anyone has any pics of they MC upgrade on 1199 or 1299?
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