1200 DVT Centre Stand

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Mark97, May 21, 2017.

  1. Hi,
    Thinking of getting a centre stand for my DVT to assist in maintenance of the chain etc. On reading up about them it mentions that the stand may need to be removed in order to carry out oil changes as the sump guard cannot be removed without first removing the centre stand, some posts seem to infer that this only applies to the pre-DVT version, could anyone confirm? Also where is good to buy the stand? I am also possibly looking at the touring pack to get the stand, heated grips and panniers, but seem to be struggling to find a price for the pack.
  2. Hi @Mark97 - you can find out the part numbers and UK list prices of Ducati accessories on the Ducati UK website, e.g.
    You might be able to get a discount of 10% to 15% or free fitting or if you're really lucky both :)
  3. I am sure as have removed mine with the stand in place. Can't remember taking the stand off anyway
  4. Sump guard comes off without the need to remove the centre stand on mine. Pic of previous DVT with stand on n guard off

    #4 JimVee, May 21, 2017
    Last edited: May 21, 2017
  5. Thank you for your speedy replies, that really helps.
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