Ducati V-single

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Old rider, May 23, 2017.

  1. I think Anthonye on here of Avanti racing can do repairs and Chrisw is also very knowledgeable. I think it may be possible to upgrade to later ecus mapped to run the 999 but it's all black magic to me...
    I have to thank Mechanico Lee who is trying to guide me along the diagnostic path to work out what's actually wrong, rather than simply replacing bits willy nilly in the hope it might cure it.
  2. http://www.ducati-upnorth.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=9476&d=1381511237
    Here's a link to a wiring diagram that was posted by Derek on Ducati up North. If I could work out how to copy and paste from a pdf, I would...

    You'll see that the coils are wired in a confusing way, not the way I'd expect anyway. The coils themselves are identical withe the trigger, feed and earth all in the same place. The earths are linked, which I'd expect but the triggers and feeds are wired in a strange way. I'd expect both trigger wires to go back to the ecu but they don't, maybe it's because both trigger at once with a lost spark??
    If the ecu is at fault, why does it show as a coil short circuit error??
  3. getting yer 12v+ and 0v with coil connected and
    if i am reading this right, continuity from pin 38 and pin 10 at the engine ecu to coils , the error doesn't move with swapping the coil. time to get yer ecu tested i think.
  4. Just asked Luigi Moto. He says sounds like ECU but could be plug. He said Avantti can send for repair or if you can get a 2nd hand one Chris at CJS should be able to help program. But please speak to them yourself of you want to do that, don't take my (confused) word. Apparently they are actually Fiat ECU's.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. I have used a test light, first attached to the positive and then negative posts of the battery to establish that I am getting both a 12v feed and an earth at the respective pins on the coil connector. Mechanico Lee reckons I need an led tester to check the trigger signal at the other pin. Seeley do one at 25 quid or so.
    Plug spanner should arrive any minute, so I can swap plugs. Haven't tried swapping coils as yet as it's a little bit of a faff to lift the tank and I was pretty sure it would be the coil at fault.
  6. fingers crossed.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. Thanks, CR. Will be able to check the plug very soon now. Fingers crossed it's that...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. 4 bolts to lift tank isn't it? Maybe 6?
  9. just one last thing. the ecu plug has numbers on or in them corresponding to the pins.
  10. Is this the bit you want to paste?

    Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 12.23.15.png

    You'll see that both coils get earth from the same black wire that also earths the fuel pump.
    The brown/white +12V feed is also shared with the fuel pump and the injectors.
    The triggers, grey/green for the vertical and grey/blue for the horizontal go direct to the ECU, Engine pin 10 and Engine pin 38 respectively. The ECU provides an earth trigger connecting for the coils.
    In my experience with a Fiat using the same ECU (different firmware and software), an ordinary 12v bulb connected to the battery +ve will suffice to test the trigger operation. The bulb should flash while the engine cranks. With some ECUs the "ON" duration is too short to light the bulb but should do with a Marelli IAW5*M.
  11. Thanks Derek. I've been using a Laser tester with a bulb in a screwdriver shaped probe and an earthing wire with a crocodile clip. With that, I've got no indication of a trigger signal, although the earth and live are good.
    I've jus swapped the plug, having got the Seeley plug spanner this morning. The good news is that the socket is wafer thin and works perfectly. Also, the plug wasn't great when it came out. It was quite mucky and corroded and it didn't look as though it had ever been fully in place. The filed down oem spanner hadn't done the job.
    I was therefore pretty hopeful that a new plug would do the trick but no go. Could the dodgy fitting plug have corrupted the ecu coil driver? Could a failed coil drive affect just one coil?
    If it is the ecu, how do I go about replacing it?
    So many questions...
  12. Thanks Derek. I've been using a Laser tester with a bulb in a screwdriver shaped probe and an earthing wire with a crocodile clip. With that, I've got no indication of a trigger signal, although the earth and live are good.
    I've jus swapped the plug, having got the Seeley plug spanner this morning. The good news is that the socket is wafer thin and works perfectly. Also, the plug wasn't great when it came out. It was quite mucky and corroded and it didn't look as though it had ever been fully in place. The filed down oem spanner hadn't done the job.
    I was therefore pretty hopeful that a new plug would do the trick but no go. Could the dodgy fitting plug have corrupted the ecu coil driver? Could a failed coil drive affect just one coil?
    If it is the ecu, how do I go about replacing it?
    So many questions...
  13. I seem to be seeing double :D
    I doubt very much if the dodgy plug would case the coil driver to fail. The are separate circuits for each coil, so yes only one coil would be affected. These ECUs are known for coil driver failures.
    Best option to replace would be to buy a second hand ECU preferably an IAW5AM, the IAW59 will work but there can be some issues apparently. Then have chrisw reflash it with a map for the 999 with the immobiliser function removed.
  14. Derek has now posted the wiring diagram, does that help?
  15. Ok, sorry about the double posting, don't know why that's happening.
    eBay I guess. Any idea how much I should pay? Presumably
    a new one from Ducati or even Fiat would be a prohibitive price...
  16. yip i got it of your previous. pin 10 and 38 from engine to ecu connector, getting continuity to your coil plug? if yes and you are getting 12v+ and 12v- (0)v when connected your confident your coils are good as well as S.Plugs.and assuming your connections are in good condition. ECU required. done a gazillion ECU's for this v.fault on puntos
  17. How have you "done" them?
    Fitted new ones or got them repaired?
  18. As Fin says and bearing in mind that this started off with wires being nipped, are you getting continuity from the ECU connector to the coil?
    This might help you find your way around the connectors. It's from a 59M but the pinout is the same.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  19. Good info Derek ......... heres what i was thinking regards coil triggering ........ if output stage is in ecu ( coil drivers ) it would pulse a bulb type test light or led type at the coil connector like you say .

    If output stage is in the coil the ecu will most likely send out square wave pulse driver , current on rising edge dwell time and spark on falling edge .....i would use pico scope for this but Old rider will not have one of these , could you use a multimeter set on dwell ??

    My gut feeling is that this is a ecu fault on coil drivers like already been said , old rider before ecu condemed it would be wise to do a continuity test between the ecm pin and the trigger pin on the coil so we know that the wire is good , also whilst on ecm pin check for short to ground in case that wire has grounded itself on the bike somewhere , i would of thought you would of seen this though when you did the checks with your bulb test light whilst looking for the trigger, but like i said ......test not guess .

    yes, just one coil driver can go down in ecm , wiring going to ground , high resistance in secondary side , massive plug gaps all create load on coil drivers .
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  20. replaced with new. on punots they come virgin simple plug in and idle speed learn procedure (allow engine to warm up then three times at full throttle then idle within 10 secs.
    sure they can be repaired tho.
    but check that continuity first.
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