1200 DVT Dvt Steering Or Handlebar Alignment.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Andy Turner, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. I recently bought a 2015 Multistrada 1200 DVT. On day one I noticed a couple of things. The bike felt like it was pulling slightly left and the handlebars and dash looked out of alignment. I know the upper fairing isn't straight but there was definitely a physical pull. I noticed the front tyre was worn much more on the right which is not uncommon and I thought that was probably the cause. I took it to Ducati under warranty and they said the bars weren't symmetrical and said they would replace the bars. I asked them to put new tyres on at the same time. They also slackened the fork clams and re-set. I got the bike back yesterday. It feels better but I'm not totally convinced. If I take my hands off the bars it still pulls slightly left even when no road camber. I'm sure it's not normal to pull left, there is much more mass on the left side drive and swing arm but I expect Ducati will have balanced this with engine and gearbox etc. Has anyone had a similar experience or can shed some light?
  2. Take a demo bike out, my multi-enduro is also crabbing slightly to the left.

  3. Mine too
  4. Mine does the same, but I only notice it when i drive with no hands ;-)
  5. Check out this fine video from a KFG (Known Fast Guy) and bike setup guru in northern California, Dave Moss, about installing a front wheel and alignment technique. Hope it helps, but its good info in any case.
  6. Thanks for the replies. So I'm not the only one. Does anyone have a DVT that rides dead straight with no hands? I have 3 other bikes and rode my Thruxton R the other day and it goes dead straight rock solid on a cambered road with no hands. The thing that concerns me most is that there is no way to adjust the tracking on a single sided swingarm bike. Is the frame or swing arm bent? The bike rides nicely but there is clearly something wrong and having just bought this expensive bike it is bugging me. I would like some ammunition before I go back to Ducati again. I may get the alignment checked independently using decent equipment and take it back to the dealer.
  7. Mine is 2012 and as far as I can tell it seems fine. Regularly ride with both hands stuck out to act as air brakes and it goes straight as a die. Silly I know but have done it since I was a boy and never grew out of it.

    Regards Steve
  8. The 2012 is a different machine. I'm wondering if it's a common fault with the DVT model.
  9. Mine is the same, a little to the left. I have tried realigning the bars (there are two dimples on the front centre if you look through the screen) but still the same.
  10. I have 2017 DVT and runs straight as an arrow with no hands.
    #10 Daglanman, Jun 9, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2017
  11. Camber. Personal balance skills. Wind.

    No, must be the bike is designed faulty and fucked :thinkingface:: unamused:
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  12. Camber. Personal balance skills. Wind.

    No, must be the bike is designed faulty and fucked :thinkingface:: unamused:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Just back from the EMM in the Picos. I was bored riding back along the French motorways today and rode with no hands and the cruise control for about 10 kms with just minimal body shifting to keep it straight.

    Mind you I've also f*cked my front tyre riding the Tarn George at 8am with no traffic!
  14. Sounds like a silly question but are you sure your sat central on the bike? I've been behind a few riders that sit to one side and compensate by leaning the bike the other way. Also have you done a ppi check to see if it's been in a accident?
  15. 2016 DVT for me, straight as an arrow, no issues.
  16. I have 3 other bikes and they are all fine.
  17. The wheel alignment is easily checked with a laser. You can make a tool with one of the cheap laser levels. Not much you can do about it if it is out though.
  18. And the ppi check was ok?
  19. Would a hpi check not be more worthwhile ? :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  20. He'd better get it done soon, as their closing scheme shortly :)
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