Today's small drama... This week the bike has been cutting out occasionally, otherwise running fine. Strong smell of petrol once the tank is full. I went to start it tonight, nothing..cranking over, but not firing, but a strong smell of petrol. So, a quick check of connections and fuses then a strip down to the fuel pump relay (had a spare used one although unsure if it was ok). I'd changed the other one as a precautionary measure a few years back before I knew the sprag clutch was on its way out. The latex glove and vaseline trick had disintegrated. Put it all back together and she fires up first time, cuts out a few times, but once we were warmed up, took her out for a blast and all is well. Don't know how many times I've read advice to do this first, so apart from anything else, got a good deep clean done once the fairings were off and since just about everything else has gone to ratshit this week, I felt a little smug for getting it right first time.... And for anyone else....check the fuel pump relay first (whoever thought that was a good place to put it wasn't thinking clearly). It does work... Oh, and I said a very bad thing half way through fixing it.... I said I was thinking about selling it... I wasn't saying that on the road back home.
I know just what you mean. I had a 748R. When she was good she was very very good, but when she was bad...
Update... Bike is still cutting out occasionally when cold. It's like its cutting out momentarily (whether it is ignition or fuel, I can't be sure) and then catching again.. Anyone had something similar? If I was guessing, I'm going to check it's not drawing air from somewhere. Then maybe a coil? It's only when warming up, after that fine. No smell of petrol now after the fuel pump relay was changed. And the bike is running great.
I'm just in the process of sorting out a misfire so while the fairings are off I'm going to change and move the fuel pump relay, I just need to make sure I'm at the right relay is it the one arrowhead in the pictured Thanks in advance for your help
That looks like the starter relay. The one you need to relocate is rectangular plastic. You need to remove the battery box to get to it.
Thanks for the advice and the picture helps. It looks really grubby down there, can the relay be relocated higher up the battery box?
#bluehawk Being as you've tried a couple of obvious points, maybe try a less obvious option. I had a problem with my 749 cutting out, then catching again. Felt like someone randomly flicking the kill switch on and off. The issue was an intermittent fault with the side stand switch. Easy to check, disconnect the plug near the side stand and use a short length of wire to loop the wires on the bike side of the loom.