998 Lay It Up?

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Archermav, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. I'm in a quandry, or a pickle perhaps. I've got an FE that I've had for 6 years during which I've done around 500 miles if I'm being generous to myself. I did think I'd managed 75 miles in the last two years until Nelly @ Cornerspeed dropped it out that after a service he'd took it out for a spin.

    Anyway, I digress. Nelly has recently worked his magic and she has returned from her two year belt service complete with a new clutch, battery and starter so all is rather mechanically at least groovy. He really is a very nice chap. But this thread is a cry for reason.

    Went out today for a small blast and I've got to say, it just wasn't pleasant. I live in a rather built up area so getting anywhere requires half hour at least of town riding. I'd forgotten just how uncomfortable it was.

    So, I get out and start to get a wiggle on, but, but, but it was all a let down. I found myself thinking I should just turn round and get home. Of course it was very warm. I'd describe the experience as hateful, which is in fact what I did to my mate who wants me to test ride an MT10. It's been so long since I'd been on these roads, there were new speed restrictions on most of them. And new speed cameras.

    I got to the grub stop, then resign myself to the fact that I've got to get home again. It was such a chore. I finally get home after a dull 40 mph ride up the M5 due to roadworks.

    I'm really torn on this. Nellys most excellent advice is that I really need to use this bike, my crumbling lower back discs suggest that I can't for much longer. Is that I don't like this bike, or is it that I don't actually like bikes that much anymore? I've even given up riding the works bikes. BUT, I really do like looking at this bike, the best looking bike ever. Why would I ever sell it? Cos, it needs to be used. Ahh.

    Shall I just drain all the fluids of the FE, or flog it? If I flog it what's it worth? Shall I just open a tube of MTFU cream and crack on?
  2. If you don't need the money/or the space,and the bike gives you pleasure just to admire,keep it.
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  3. Take it to a track day on a trailer.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Only one person can make that decision. Totally agree with Mervyn however if the money could go in to something that you enjoy riding then happy days... There are some amazing Ducati's (cough) and other bikes out there to suit all types of riding, physical shape and ability.
    Technology has advanced so much in recent years
    Get out and ride a few, reignite the love for biking.
    If you can keep the FE to look at and buy a 2nd for riding...Win win
  5. As above. These bikes are brilliant when set up right for you and conditions allow. The more you use it, the better it'll get.
  6. Thanks for the replies, and yes, these bikes are brilliant. This one is my 6th I think, after several 748 and a couple of 996. Interspersed with Japaneses usual suspects. My ZX9r was before this current 998. That went and I was bikeless for several months, I was only going to buy an FE or an RC45 (back then I could just about afford one). Then the FE popped up and here we are. Every two years it gets serviced regardless of miles, so its not been exactly cheap to maintain.

    I think I'd like a 2nd bike, and keep the FE purely for the aesthetic. I retire in 18 months (thankfully, I'll have just gone 49 so still fairly young'ish I suppose) when I can use her for special days.

    Gents, thanks for the sensible replies, it's made me realise that I really would regret selling it. I'd be rather upset watching it being ridden away. It's a keeper. lets forget I ever posted.
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  7. Just keep it for weekend spins and buy another bike . You sound like you would regret it and I think you would and remember it's money in the bank
  8. You sound like a lucky bloke, got a 998 fe and retire at 49!! I love my 748 ride it as often as possible, retire in 4 months and will have completed nearly 50 years of work at 65.
    I would use it, it's to good to be left standing.
  9. The 9** series are a pain in the arse for 90% of the time. But when you hit that 10%, that 90% all fades away like distant memory.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. You could just move house to somewhere with better bike roads on your doorstep.
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  11. keep the fe and buy a mt09 or something like that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. My 916 is no fun for 80% of the time but when you get on some good roads it is all worth it. (53 cracked vertebrae and false hip) I had a quick run out to a club meet last night and did over 60 miles and it was bliss. Swap it for a Multistrada ..... or straight swap for my Tiger 800 ;)
  13. Funny you should type this mate, just priced one up. On one of them new fangled PCP deals.
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  14. tried to convince the wife that this was a credible solution, erm, didn't go down to well. Something about kids schools, her work, family being on the doorstep to babysit etc. I switched off when she said no :sleeping:
  15. Give her a "drama queen" from me .
  16. I read your post with a smile, I've just gone through the same issues with my 749r. Love it, looks great, but, was not really enjoying riding it that much, and occasionally it was a "chore" to go out on it.

    As the 749 owes me nothing, and I still love it, I've semi retired the bike, which will probably turn to full retirement at the end of the year.

    I also have lower back issues, don't want to give up bikes, but, needed something to revive my enjoyment of riding.

    Picked up a cracking Gen II Carbon Diavel, I've done more miles in 2 months than I did in the last 2 years on the 749. The Diavel is sooooo much fun. The only aches I get now, are jaw aches from smiling all the time I'm out on it.

    If the 998 owes you nothing, and you can live without the cash, keep it and watch the value climb.

    Before you go down the MT09/10 route etc, try a Diavel.
  17. I have a 996 in my lounge, hardly ever use it. i bought a 64 plate pikes peak. the multi is a real tool for blasting the A roads and will anialate the 996, but i just can't part with because when i do ride it i fall in love with it again.
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  18. Small update, if I may mention an MT09 on here. :punch: I was discussing the PCP option with the salesman as I wanted to keep the monthlys' low and then pay it off in 18 months. I asked how much interest would I be charged in 18 months and he was a little bit vague. I was looking at putting a grand down and around 120 a month as I'd keep the mileage lower than 3000 but again, when pressed he was a little vague as to what the figure would be in 18 months. Any folks out there having had the benefit of PCP and paying it off? I do understand that this is a little off topic, but this thread has confirmed that the FE stays. I thought wifey would be happy, the FE is a mono after all and the MT09 is erm, not.
  19. When you take out a PCP they will give you a final payment amount for the end of the term.
  20. My understanding is it works like this.
    New bike value = £10k
    value in 2 years with 5k mls on the clock = £7k
    So the PCP payments are basically for a £3k loan + interest.
    then in 2 years you pay £7k or hand back.
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