Looking To Buy Second Hand

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by ziggyboy, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. Thread moved
  2. I bought a used 63 twin spark, non S version, suspension set up by experienced dealer, I've had it 15 months 7,000 faultless miles by me 15000 in total. Chain and sprockets and that's been it, Great bike imo
  3. I wouldn't get any of the early generations, make sure it's the twin spark. I ignored all the bad threads on here about failures and got a 2010 that ended up being returned us not fit for purpose after 13 odd months.

    All that aside, when it worked it was great so I'm sure you'll have a blast on a 2014 like you are looking at.

    Things to look for:
    • No point teaching you to suck eggs and mention service history etc...
    • Fuel gauge. Try get it topped up (maybe do a test ride yourself and top the tank off). See how quick it fills on the gauge as the fuel senders are an issue that still hasn't been resolved on DVT generations.
    • Electronic suspension. Play around with the modes and change modes lots. Sometimes they throw an error which could be a simple thing or it could be the suspension ECU.
    Other than those two, the cylinder head leak, radiator internals breaking and poor main bearings, should all have been fixed by the 2014 models.
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  4. 2014 twin spark model...Loved mine to bits. Faults I had

    Fuel sender failed.
    Gear Position sensor failed.
    Heated grips failed.
    Chain snapped (Fairly isolated incident I understand)
    Keyless Battery died very early on and the PIN code didn't work as somehow it got wiped during a service (AA were called and the PIN reprogrammed, after it was sorted it never let me down again)

    I did quite big miles on it and when the chain snapped, Ducati UK were awesome with out of warranty good will care. They were so good in fact, I bought a DVT model, which touch wood, has been faultless thus far.

    This is my 3rd Multi, and are by far and away the best bikes I have owned, they simply do everything, and I genuinely believe are the best all rounder in the world right now.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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