1299 Holed Akra Exhaust Help!

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by harryscfc, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. IMG_1172.JPG IMG_1175.JPG IMG_1177.JPG Hi

    Can anyone with a full Akra system let me know what was once where this hole is now? Some sort of plug/weld?? Noticed after Silverstone on Thursday

    Cheers. Harry
  2. Plug for lamba sensor
  3. IMG_1179.JPG
    Is this not the lambda sensor on the right??
  4. its for a secondary theres usually a plug in it
  5. Cheers Benny. Not anymore. It's on Silverstone track somewhere
  6. It's a rivet but that has come loose. It's for taking co2 readings apparently. Easy enough to fit a new one (with the right tool which luckily my dealer has) but shitter about the carbon heat shield which is £350 to replace. Will be tidying it up as best I can with a file!
  7. How old is the system? If it under 2 years and dealer fitted it could be a warranty job
  8. Unfortunately all bought off here from a guy who had also bought off someone on here.
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  9. Ouch! Looks like your exhaust has been shot at.
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  10. Although the carbon shield is KIA you can probably TIG a blanking plug in the exhaust. If the shield can be removed it can probably be welded without removing the exhaust....Just be sure to disconnect the battery
  11. TBF it was a good job the heat shield was there to slow down the projectile...Could have been pretty hectic being twatted by that on the race track
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  12. IMG_1180.PNG IMG_1181.JPG
    Apparently it just needs the rivet threaded insert fitted which must have worked loose somehow
  13. Personally I'd Tig it and then you can forget about it, stainless or titanium is easy enough to weld. I wouldn't trust clinch nuts/riv nuts on an exhaust that suffers heat expansion to that degree. The rivnuts shown above are probably poor quality stainless less than 304 grade. There should be a local welder near you that can sort it for a few quid. :upyeah: I wouldn't want a loose cannon underneath my bottom
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  14. Was it the entire bike you bought with it already fitted? Just thinking that it could still be covered by warranty as it's a ducati specific part and it may be in the paperwork as to when it was fitted
  15. Nope. I've had the bike from new March 2015 with standard exhaust. I bought the pipes last year.
  16. IMG_1380.JPG IMG_1381.JPG So... went for the hole welded up £30 and a £70 repair on the carbon heat shield.
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  17. Happy days, thats nicely done :)
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