umming and arring about either an 1198 sportsbike or a 1200 multi (12 plate). Now I appreciate this is apples and pears and the issue is I don't know what I want out of my next bike. However, one of the considerations is reliability of the Multi. Now things like fuel senders I'm not fussed about but are the common issues with these bikes expensive show stoppers? or is it just that, as is the way with these things people come to forums with problems so they seem more prevalent here. Would really appreciate a few opinions thanks.
Problems seem a lot more prevalent and serious on the early models. I myself have not heard of things like main bearing failures on anything in the twin spark era but heard (and experienced) plenty on the model prior to that. Fuel sender was the only thing that didn't go wrong on mine and was still running the original factory one I'd just get late as possible, but 2013 minimum. Despite all my problems, it was a very good bike to ride.
I was torn between a Multi and Superduke Gt (after my local bike garage I use suggested one) Test rode the DVT too refine, didn't feel ducati, too smooth for my liking... Superduke GT yeah nice bike after test ridden one... Though it didn't have looks what I like of multi (10-14 model). After reading the faults on here for the multi and then ktm forums for the other... the superduke just as bad the multi... Generally ppl don't give enough credit to any form of transport only the bad ones... Nothing is built to last these days just mass produce... So I the end bought Multi PP 2014 last month and umming and arring about selling the 749... just feel strange riding the 749 after riding the multi in small time frame... If you look in any bike garage there are alsorts of make n model in for repair/s... so its your preference/taste over someone else.. at some point something is going to break or go faulty...
JH_1986 had an horrendous experience with his early Multistrada as did others. I however have not shared that experience with my 1st gen 2012 touring model. I had the radiator baffle come adrift which was replaced under warranty, I had the inevitable fuel sender die which was replaced this year with good will and I had the tell tale lights on the dash bleed into each other and the dash was replaced with goodwill. After a slow start, it's now approaching 20,000 miles and I have no wish to or intention of changing it. It's practical, it's comfortable and on occasions it's a hooligan. I do not take it off or soft road, it's fitted with sportsbike tyres which with the Ohlins semi reactive electronic suspension make the handling incredible. It is also fair to say I do have a 748R and a 1098R for those rare occasions when my old bones are up to remembering how I used to ride when I was younger. Andy
Mines a 10 plate, went through 29k miles yesterday on a 300 mile day out to North Wales and didn't miss a beat. Ok, it's had some major problems rectified, like replacement cylinder heads at 15k miles, replacement Ohlins control unit and yes I have the light 'bleeding' on the dash, have replaced the useless clutch slave cylinder for R&G, the back brake is still next to useless....the list goes on. It still has the capacity to thrill, shock, wheelie, scratch well enough for my road use. I think that like many of today's electronically enhanced products, it's a bit of a lottery as to their reliability (my Scala Rider decided to lock itself up halfway as I inadvertently tried to connect up too many devices, phone/Nav/Rider A)? Must say, leaving Betws-y-Coed at 10pm to ride 2.5 hrs home in the dark wasn't one of life's better decisions, but rather my MTS than a head down/arse up crotch rocket for me, though that will be down to my advancing years!
That little lot sounds very expensive, I'm happy to expect expense running a used bike outside of warranty. However, that expectation shouldn't stretch to engine rebuilds and the like. Sounds to me like as great as the MTS is its just not for me.
An early bike with enough mileage on it (at least 20K miles) to have had all the common issues rectified already would be an excellent buy. £7K or so would get you a good one. But a low mileage bike where those same problems have yet to be dealt with (and will have to be fixed in due course at your own expense) would be a poor buy at £10K. Best of all would be a new DVT with all the options at £17K, if you want one of the best bikes available today. Your choice though. If you really don't want a Ducati @tater there are other bikes on the market. Each of which has its own issues, problems, worries, and shortcomings - so good luck with that.
I'm happy with Ducati ownership and the associated issues, it says a lot that I still love my duc even though it's let me down once or twice. The point I was trying to get at is that the odd issue here and there is ok, however an almost certain engine rebuild is not.
Exactly. I don't want to come across as slagging off Ducati, I think my previous comments about twin sparks probably being a sorted bike have been incredibly fair. Truth is I had two full on engine failures in 13 months. That went alongside with rad failures and electrical failures. The finance company's independent assessor found the service history perfect, and enough evidence to show the model had main bearing issues and he had access to more info than I. I even had a dealer state they would not accept early trade-ins because the potential cost of replacing bearings are their profit. For that reason, I would never go for a pre 13 plate. When it was working, it was one hell of a bike and I would agree with others that it's the kind of bike you wouldn't want to swap/trade-in until it died. I'm now on a 990 SMT and even with all my Ducati problems, I did have a couple of weeks of wondering if I'd made a mistake in ditching the multi range. This bike is that good that even after all of my problems, I still thought that. Luckily, I've made a few minor mods to the KTM and it's now better than the multi (except tank range, I miss those extra 30 miles). I do still see 2010 owners on low mileage, stating theirs are fine. Realistically, their mileage isn't high. On a bike of this nature their mileage isn't high. Dave's done more on a Desmo . I'm not saying every single one breaks. I'm just saying there seems to be an increased likelihood of terminal failures compared with less extreme failures in other brands/models. All in all, if you think the multi is he bike for you (that's you @tater ), you won't be disappointed. It's amazing! Just get as late as possible, many people on here are running them fine but I haven't read about any really serious issues on later models. Just hope people can see what I'm saying as fair and not just say I'm Ducati bashing.
There are plenty 20k plus bikes out there, as Pete suggests are probably safer bet than low miles one. Or twinspark if budget allows.
There are plenty 20k plus bikes out there, as Pete suggests are probably safer bet than low miles one. Or twinspark if budget allows.
My 12 S Touring now has over 20k without any major issues, but it did have a few minor ones. Still a great bike.
On my third Multi, currently a 16 DVT, no major issues out of any of the 3, niff naff like fuel sender, heated grips and one gear position sensor, but thats it. 1198 is beautiful, but the mutley does everything, and does it very well. So given the choice, 14 or newer Multi all day long
The character of the Multistrada has changed over the years, the early ones have a rawness whilst the later ones are much smoother, all are great but some 'speak' to you more than others. The choice is yours.
I'm having real problems with this. The KTM keeps telling me it wants to be red lined everywhere... and not always within the confines of the law
Likewise I had issues with my 2010 bike, mainly minor, but I had the porous cylinder heads, which were fixed even though I was just out of the extended warranty. I did 30k miles before swapping to a DVT, still think it's the best, most versatile bike I've owned.
For a bike with, allegedly, such a reputation for "unreliability" there seems to be many very satisfied owners.
I'm on my 4th and 5th Mutleys (Pikes Peaks,twin spark non-DVT). +50K on these machines. Best..... Bike...... Ever....... (clarkson voice over). Yes - I've had issues, but all dealt with. Dim LED glimmer on dash - but not really a class A or B fault. Cracked Ohlins fork leg - eventual recall. Gear position sensor failure. Heated grip failure (warranty). Iffy head lock mech... could be wires in the way. leaking fork seals. Shit rear brake is my biggest gripe and always having to bleed the brakes. (see modifications) Never an engine failure, but a very few have and those few are quite rightly vocal about it. And if I could buy another one tomorrow (at the right price) it would be a single spark 2010-2012 Pikes Peak. DVT doesn't do it for me... just personal taste.