Bad Tank Of Fuel??

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by JackT, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. I was going out for a ride yesterday up to corner speed (duc specialist near mansfield) bike was running sweet and then the fuel light came on so i stopped at the next garage to fill up. I filled up with BP standard petrol. When I then started the bike it didn't sound quite right then cut out after 30 seconds? I waited a while and managed to get it going and carried on my ride. However the bike didn't seem right and was very lumpy and jumpy. The bike then cut out again when i got into mansfield. I got it going again and then it cut out for a final time around 1.5 miles from corner speed and wouldn't start at all? I pushed her all the way to the garage and the guy at corner speed looked over her and said all was good! Then set off home breaking down twice.

    I have only ever put shell v power in her before and maybe bp ultimate once.

    Has anyone experienced similar?

    I have since drained the bp fuel and filled up with v power and she seems ok again (though only went a short ride)
  2. It can happen , many years ago my dad filled up his car and had lots of problems . Turned out the petrol station tanks ran low and pumped water from condensation into his tank
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I had my 1198 literally weeks, when we did an alpine trip. Meet at clackers 4am. Ok, I rock up and fill her up. Push bike over to wait for mates. They rock up, I fire her up and fuck me, look at all that smoke. I'd filled her up with diesel.

    I had to catch them up in frog, as they'dve missed chunnel. Meanwhile, I bought a set off allens and removed tank and emptied it. But she was still slightly smokey now and again. I had the 1198 for 6yrs and she was flawless in all that time. So phew. :)
  4. My Mini Cooper S doesn't like any other fuel apart from V Power
    I tried the Tesco ultimate as my local V Power garage was closed
    Mini ran like you say lumpy and jittery
  5. It was a Red tank DB, Bad Tank not fuel :)
  6. I hate to admit that I have filled up my SS with diesel before. Didn't like it at all.

    Turned it into a Dieselsedici
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  7. My first road legal two wheel transport was a Lambretta LDB 150 - Before I got on the road me and my mates mucked about on it even to the extent we ran it on 25% petrol and 75% paraffin; plus of course Mazola corn oil in the mix (actually it was cheaper than Mazola)

    It knocked like hell; smoked enough to have a large advance combat party creep in under cover and it bloody well stunk for ages.

    Put another engine in that came with it before I put it on the road.
  8. I have definitely had the odd tank of duff fuel, but not quite to that extent.
  9. My Multistrada DVT doesn't like fuel from Morrison's always try to find a shell garage
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