Planning 2017 Trip Touring Around France Mainly

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Pete1950, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. There are as many, if not more, bikes in France and dealers to supply the riders. I can take anyone to a bike shop that will have that size tyre in stock about 25 kms from me.
    Everywhere is closed on Sunday and many on Monday too, but I'll bet that should I visit the UK and have a problem with an unusual sized tyre on a Sunday, I too would be caught out.
    I have passed my contact details on to Pete1950 and should he have any problems on a Sunday (or any other day) in this area then I will hook up my trailer and rescue him. I can change a tyre in my garage, but I don't have any spare tyres :).
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  2. Most kind. Since I'll be starting with brand new tyres and carrying puncture repair stuff with me, it is not likely I'll have that problem - but you never know. Since I don't have to get home by any particular date, if I had to hang about somewhere in La France Profonde for a couple of days that would not trouble me at all.

    Having said that, back in 1984 I was riding near Millau (this was before the bridge was built) when I had a major electrical/alternator problem. Rory Simpson lived in Beziers in those days; his trailer got my bike to Beziers where we fixed it, and I proceeded on my way to Portugal where my then-girlfriend was waiting for me having flown down. Ah, those were the days!
  3. Good point, I will try to remember that. Trouble is, I don't really like filling my stomach with a big lunch if I am intending to do a long ride in the afternoon.

    I take it for granted that the average standard of French food is considerably higher than average British food.
  4. Paris is much smaller than London, where I live, and more elegant. Besides it holds some happy memories for me; the first time I ever left England it was to Paris, plus (years later) Mrs and I started our honeymoon there.
  5. Oh yes. I love this about France. I'm a sucker for an artisan cured meat n cheese platter and some properly fresh bread and butter. Now if only more places sold Guinness and those that did served them in pints instead of these wee glasses, i'd be happy. Better still, serve some ales too instead of that dreadful Stella. Oh and wine, I hate wine. Yuk. Gimme a pint of stout ffs. However they do serve decent coffee, so swings n roundabouts.

    I love France, I'm a Francophile. Great country and thoroughly lovely people. I envy you Pete. Have fun. :)
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  6. I did 10 days in the Loire valley including Le Mans and a trip out to Versailles. Fantastic area with lots of small town on the big rivers. Particularly liked Tours where there was a big bar/restaurant down by the river with live bands during the week. it was packed with locals having a great time. It was also 24c at 10pm. it also has one street with about 30 different small family restaurants with food from all over the world. liked the are so much I'm looking at a place out there. 4 hours from calais and warm. le mans is an easy TGV ride to central Paris. The issue I had was riding in 32-34c during the daytime. dianes airflow jacket and kevlar jeans helped but it was warm. ended up leaving the hotels early and calling it a day around 2.30 making it an afternoon lunch
  7. I'm in Paris today, 12 July, or at any rate in St Denis just north of the city.

    Channel Tunnel crossing was dreadful - many trains were cancelled and I had to spend three hours hanging about the Folkestone terminal. So instead of the intended leisurely ride to Paris on byways it was Plan B: blast straight down the autoroute.

    Tomorrow I intend to take a look at the Musee des Arts et Metiers, which I have long wanted to explore.

    Then on Friday 14 July there is a big parade for Bastille Day, which I want to see in the Champs-Elysees. Hoping there won't be a terrorist attack.
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  8. Musee d'Orsay. Fab olace and a great use of the old station. Love the Ors Blanc and water lillies.
    Nice restaurant where you can walk onto the roof for a great view of the river and up to the champs. I'd there is a queue, go to the little newspaper stand where they sell tickets and go I the other side as pre paid.
  9. Pete, have fun and let us know if you are heading down this way.
  10. We have a holiday home in Normandy love the place and the People retired in June intend to spend more time there
  11. Have you ever been to Monets Garden depending on where you go after Paris. It's on the road to Caen
  12. The Arc de Triomphe today. Lots of preparations in Paris for the Bastille Day parade tomorrow. Champs Elysee closed off, causing traffic jams. President of the USA is here - will they rename it the Arc de Trump?

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  13. I witnessed the big parade down the Champs Elysee today (along with a million other people). There was an American Forces contingent this year, some of them in WWI uniforms (100th anniversary of the USA joining the Allies).

    Lots of French army, navy, and air force units marching, followed by vehicles up to and including battle tanks. Lots of jets overhead, and later helicopters. The police, fire brigade, and anti-terrorism units got the biggest cheer. Security was extremely tight everywhere.

    I have to say the Bastille Day event is on very different lines from the Trooping of the Colour, which is perhaps the nearest British equivalent.

    Off to Normandy tomorrow.
  14. This Paris cafe in the Boulevard St Michel caught my eye. Perhaps they are trying to attract a more mature type of clientele.

  15. In Normandy today, staying in Caen. Visited the Sword, Juno, and Gold beaches, saw the surprisingly extensive remains of the Mulberry harbour. Also briefly visited Bayeux.
    Normandy is very much like Dorset.


  16. Don't miss the D911 Tinchebray/Sourdeval /Cherence'-le-Roussel. Particularly the Sourdeval/Cherence'-le-Roussel bit. At the end of the road you will want to make a U turn and start again.
  17. DSCN0952s.JPG DSCN0954s.JPG Pete made it to the Dordogne where he was given a short guided tour. He is heading south in the morning.
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  18. Go Pete, go! :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Parts of the circuit of the Le Mans 24 Heures Race (for cars) are public roads. So I rode along the Mulsanne straight.


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  20. Delightful day today being shown some of the sights and byways of the Dordogne area by the kind, generous and ever-informative @Bob T (and Mrs Bob on her ST2). Gorgeous scenery, especially the numerous cliffs (many with troglodytic dwellings); superb riding roads too. What a wonderful holiday destination. Your brand-new Supersport will be run in soon, then you can really stretch its legs.



    Planning to head for Carcassonne tomorrow (Wednesday).
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