So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Best go down the cafe then :upyeah:
  2. There's only me :D
    • Like Like x 3
  3. I've just bought tickets for SWMBO to see Ed Sheeran next May.

  4. You didn't fancy it then? ;)
  5. Tip for today :

    UNDER no circumstances accept a friend request from the New Zealand rugby team

    they are Hakas
  6. Did a quick job on the bike, that turned into two longer jobs.

    Planned to quickly rejig my phone mount, which turned into a complete overhaul of how I did it. Then decided my action cam mount needed the same treatment. Where did my evening go?
  7. I told a woman at work today, that her eyebrows were painted far too high.

    Boy, did she look surprised
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Just been told that #1 son is finally moving to Helensburgh at the end of this month. Not overly bothered by the fact that he's moving but I am seriously going to miss my two grandsons growing up. And they're too young to understand that we won't see them as much :(
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  9. Just managed to set the fire alarm off TWICE in two hours evacuating the factory and offices both times at the site we're working at :astonished:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Hope you did the decent thing and scarpered, looking round going "who done that" o_O
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Been a manic few days, but settling down now (worked 45 hours in 3 days). Motovlog alliance July challenge was to review your bike, so did the Ducati.

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  12. Great review Phil and thoroughly enjoyable to watch. :upyeah:
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  13. Took the gixer out leather-clad.

    Snetterton is gonna be tough :confused:
  14. IMG_8848.JPG Rode to work on the girls ninja 300. The seat so slippery it's almost unridable. The rearsets are set to her tiny legs/feet so I can barely fit my boot under to change up. But other than that it was ace. More comfortable riding position that my panigale which I did the same trip on yesterday. Really tempted by a proper sit up bike cause I haven't even got my panigale to the track yet.
  15. IMG_5418.JPG IMG_5416.JPG IMG_5417.JPG

    Started cleaning and assessing the new 900.

    It's not bad. Oil was low, wrong Termi cans that foul footrest on OS, rear brake hose is too long and touches exhaust header, needs a belt service as was done in Jan 14 last. Front tyre is 2009 and rear is 2007 and has a screw in it. Chain had surface corrosion but no tight spots, was dragging on the floor though. Tightened floppy mirrors and reset all suspension to default settings as a starting point.

    And it's not yellow.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. On a positive, with facetime and skype it's not as though you will lose all contact, had the same in the last few weeks, my daughter and her hubby are considering going to Aus for a new life, I think they will do well and I won't miss them too much but like you, the grans will be missed.
  17. I agree about the Skype and FT thing so that's ok. What I just don't get is why they want to move to Helensburgh of all god forsaken places. I got the daft answer that they want to live a more outdoors life but they presently live on the edge of the Peak District and never go out there! Added to which apart from two weeks in the year the place is constantly under water and/or freezing which will curtail any outdoor activity that he/they think they will do. So that's a pile of rubbish.

    Plus on the simple commercial/economic front they won't have the options available to them that they have living in Manchester. For example my son is a QS, and in Manchester alone (when I last looked) there were 39 jobs/positions available but in the WHOLE of Scotland there were 5. And his dopey wife (dopey in as much as she can't seem to cope with life on a day to day basis despite being a Doctor and seemingly intelligent) won't have the family support to look after the kids etc when she has one of her regular panic attacks. But she does wear the trousers in the house so I suspect this is her daft idea.

    I'm nonplussed by it all, I really am.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. 42 online training sessions while losing the will to live....:tired_face:
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