999 Engine Misfire Around 3000rpm

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by RearGunner, Jun 10, 2017.

  1. Misfire sorted.......
    Cleaned out the air filters, picture attached which were really dirty..
    But the problem was the vertical cylinder coil... I put the old horizontal coil in the vertical cylinder and hey presto the misfire has gone....So new coil ordered for vertical cylinder.....
    It's took a lot of trail and error and yes if I had ordered two new coils in the first place it would have sorted it but it's helped me get acquainted to the bike.
    Thanks for all your advice

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  2. well done.
    Debris-filled air filters are part and parcel of having a forward facing air intake, so all the insects and debris that splat that part of the bike end up in the filters. The old rear-facing intakes may have sucked in lots of dust but not many insects
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