1200 DVT Fried Number Plate

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by harryscfc, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. IMG_1360.JPG Don't leave the baffle in a 1200 DVT with full system ... especially on a German autobahn! Tends to direct the heat a little.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Feck me !!! That sucks, what do Ducati have to say ?
  3. It'll T Cut out :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Think they need to change the angle of that baffle
  5. put a 7x5 plate on it problem solved
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  6. I've just done 1800 miles through Spain and France with the baffle "in" and my number plate is fine. As JH says check the alignment
  7. Hi Ian

    Did you have the panniers fitted on that trip ?

    wonder if it's the aerodynamics of the panniers pushing the exh gas towards the plate ???
  8. Yes, panniers fitted. Just been out to the garage to check and number plate is fine.
  9. Something like that, the angle and force of the wind can affect it. Best to either try and adjust the baffle, fit a smaller plate, or fit an ally plate.
  10. Glue tin foil on the back?
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  11. My 2010 did that with the full Termi. Solution was to fit an aluminium plate behind the numberplate.
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  12. wow there's a guy on facebook has just done the same as you.........come to think of it he has almost the same reg as you ;-)
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  13. Probably cloned reg. damn :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Cheap tea-tray sized UK number plates!
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  15. Agreed but it shouldn't happen in the first place and a bit difficult to get s new plate made up in the south of Germany :)
  16. Ur kid
    No way. Common problem!
  17. They said "oh dear"
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Happens all the time. Probably wasn't the OP speeding either.

    I'd keep running exactly as you are now and claim ignorance. Didn't know, must have just happened. Sort it when you find a friendly dealer or a particularly anal Police officer can suggest a place to get one immediately
  19. I'll check alignment and such when I get back to the UK. It seem ok with baffle out. As others have said I'll get a smaller plate and throw the baffle away. It's surprising how quickly it went though. Pretty much after a 30 min stretch of autobahn. 110 ish with an occasional burst above that.
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