1200 DVT Fried Number Plate

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by harryscfc, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. I'm pretty screwed until I get back to the uk. I've bodge taped it all back together so it sort of looks ok ... at least from a distance.
  2. Had it on both my 1200 and my later DVT, happens all the time, went through about 4 plates, Ducati wont do anything as they say the exhaust is for race use only n a track where you don't have number plates.

    I bought a metal plate in the end but that just warped so tried fitting some exhaust heat wrap to the back of the plate, still no joy so ended up with a smaller plate and no problems since. Not right but it is what it is.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. I think it's just a sign of how cool your race exhaust is. You don't hear batman complaining and you could cook a meal from the exhausts on his vehicles.

    I've had it on pretty much every underseat bike too, R1s, Ninjas etc... just something you kind of live with if you fit those exhausts.

    Still running a multi crud guard? Could relocate in true Diavel style
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Just order a 7x7, letters & No's will be legal tender. So long as it has a post code/ Kite type mark at the bottom of it.
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  5. Same kept happening to my 2012 PP but my dealer kept replacing it every year during service if I asked them to. I would have have thought they were secretly charging me but I like to think they weren't lol. I will be selling lots of goodies from my old 2012 pp soon including full Termi with ecu, panniers in red ( I removed the locks before I sold the bike as the locks are supposed to stay with the bike), some carbon such as belly pan, rear mudguard thing, chain cover, brake pipe cover, swing arm cover, navi halter, touratech SatNav lock, Garmin 660 with very latest updates plus other bits such as extra width pannier covers which I never used but are great if you're taking the missus on a trip and other bits. Open to offers at this point as not thought exactly how much I want. The full Termi will be buffed to look like new (I hope).
    • Like Like x 1
  6. It's basically just a normal laser printer, printing onto a special type of 'paper'.

    Wouldn't cost them a lot, at all. Well worth the kudos you give for thinking they've done you a massive favour (that'd be my thinking, were I a dealer).
  7. Does the same with the baffle out
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