Touring Tips

Discussion in 'Touring' started by El Toro, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. Have you got any touring tips you'd like to share? Why not post them here for the benefit of everyone. :upyeah:
  2. Shamelessly copied from Simons thread but thought a great start!!

  3. Advice to all, regarding the nice red Ducati bag packed under the seat with a puncture repair kit, the tools are in a sealed plastic bag. I would recommend removing from the plastic bag and physically checking the tools actually fit into the threaded part of the handle.
    I had to use for the firs time last year due to a puncture only to find the thread of the tools were complete different to the female thread of the handle, so was useless for plugging the hole.
    Lesson learned for me......never take new kit packaging for granted, always strip it down and make sure it works before you need it.
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  4. For people who use one piece rainsuits - store a pair of plastic carrier bags with it. When you need to put it on, put the bags over your boots and it'll make getting the suit on a doddle.
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  5. Take photos of your documents; passport/insurance et cetra. Compress the photos into a zip-file using a desktop/laptop (I don't think phones can do this) & then email the file too yourself. This means you can easily gain copies in the event of loss by accessing a computer & downloading the emailed file.

    To avoid extra exchange rate charges from using a debit/credit-card abroad. The uk post office do a travel money card. You can top it up from your phone; into which ever currency you require or even hold multiple types. Plus you can use it at cash machines if a shop doesn't accept it.
    #5 GunZenBomZ, Aug 24, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2017
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  6. This is the daftest one this thread is ever gonna see, but....Ride on the other side of the feckin road !!! Coming up through France last year and nearing the ferry port, some gormless moron on a Hayabusa was heading straight for me as he came out the port. What a fecking idiot !!!
  7. If going abroad, get a Halifax Clarity card. You can do commission-free foreign cash withdrawals from ATMs if you use it right, and it gives a great exchange rate (possibly guaranteed to match the best of the day anywhere? I forget). Have a look on
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  8. Spare key in wallet. Its amazing how many times people are in complete flap with lost keys!
    Baby wipes. Seriously, useful for more than babies back sides!
  9. I put some green/yellow electrical tape around my mirror stalk on the side of the road I need to ride on. It's harder to remember on a bike and gives you an easy visual reminder.
    • Useful Useful x 2
  10. Clothes peg for the ferry/chunnel tickets to be displayed for staff.
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  11. Cable ties, (not only for binding the hands and legs of your next victim) but also are handy and useful in many other ways, and light to carry! :)
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  12. Cable ties and side cutters. Not so much french ferries, but crossing the Bay of Biscay, I tie wrap the front brake on, for if its a little choppy :upyeah:
    #12 Wayne58, Aug 26, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2017
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  13. I prefer to have places to stay booked. Sounds great to be able to go as you please and have an "adventure" until you get to 7:30 at night and all the hotels are full. No fun.

    Travelling with a pillion, use "love handles" for the comfort & safety of your passenger. They will like it, which makes for a better trip for you.

    Take a cable lock and thread helmet and jacket through sleeves through and attach to bike for security when sightseeing.
  14. Take a puck, or an old credit card, to put under your sidestand if the ground is wet/melting.
  15. JML Doctor Power or Flash Magic Eraser. Cut a chunk off, wet it and stick it in a zip lock plastic bag. Great for cleaning visors and you only need tap water. DON'T USE THESE THINGS DRY, but you can scrub as hard as you like when they're wet.
  16. Take a cable lock. Useful for securing helmet & jacket through sleeves to bike when having a wander around a city, especially when hot. Takes up no space.
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  17. If in doubt, just go anyway.
  18. Brittant Ferries normally hand out a discount code at Motorcycle Live.Usually saves us 10% which on ferry to Spain is worth having.
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  19. When you pack, leave a bit of space in the luggage somewhere. Otherwise as soon as you buy or are given food/drink/souvenirs (or anything), you would have nowhere to put them.

    It is always better to carry tools you never need than to need tools you never carry.
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  20. :):)RELAX.
    It’s a holiday after all. If it’s your first trip over seas it can be strange. Drive on right, deserted petrol stations that only take cards etc etc.
    Enjoy the ride/scenery & food.
    Good weather is of course, optional.
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