Probably been mentioned somewhere before, but what is the recommended oil for the Diavel,I have googled it but there's a load of conflicting thoughts, Shell 15/50 Motul300v etc, I'm just after a general day to day oil Cheers Rick
I thought that every Ducati had the oil specs in the owners manual. As for day to day, is that an engine wear mode?
That's all you'll ever find! Look in the owners manual, read the Googled threads till you go cross eyed, then use a good quality oil of the spec that you think is best! Better to throw good oil away e.g. change it regularly, as it's cheaper than an engine rebuild. However, your engine isn't about to go bang just because you didn't use Superdupa XXT Race oil (like Tommy Trackday insisted you use) at the last change. Oh, and please Moderater, can we PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, have a FAQ page with this sort of question in it. It has come up at least twice this week!
While I agree with everything you said, you don't actually have to look or answer the thread, so its no harm done for the guy to ask is it ??
Not knocking the guy per se, but I do get fed up seeing the same old questions asked over and over again, when the answers to stuff like this ought to be in an FAQ page like other forums. I'm all for helping people with what may seem to others like simple questions and I myself have done so on many occasions. However, I do also get annoyed when (unlike Rick B I hasten to add!) the OPs appear not to have bothered to have carried out even simple research like reading the owners manual or typing it into Google. Therefore a simple FAQ section would save everyone time and effort running round the same old Mulberry bushes.
To be fair I did google and try searching the forums but like I said it came back with conflicting issues which is why I was asking the Q aimed at other Diavel owners to find out what oil they were running, The manual just says "Good quality 15/50 oil" no brand name so I'm not sure on when I do a change of what brand I should be looking for. Rick
This sort of thing can't really be put on a FAQ because every answer that you get will be someones personal opinion. Some like to use race oil some like to use cooking oil, but no one has suffered any failures that they can prove was due to poor quality oil. The hand book tells people what spec oil to use, and many manufacturers make oil to that spec. In reality there is only a minute amount of difference between those oils as they all conform to that spec.
I agree that there will always be that wide range of opinions, but what you could do is to put all these type of threads in the FAQ page with a heading like 'Oil: You Pays Your Money and Takes Your Choice' - carry on reading for a wealth of conflicting advice!
If I was to "stickie" every question or every FAQ that was asked then I'd be forever doing this. I'd prefer if people would just RTFM as they should before asking dumbass questions. I sometimes wonder if people ever manage to dress themselves in the morning
Fuckin great aint it? You save up your hard earned cash to buy your first Ducati then join a forum hoping that you could gain advice off seasoned owners on keeping your pride and joy in tip top condition and get jumped on off an upstart of Admin of all people, The way I was hoping my post could have been answered was if say 7 Diavel owners used Motul and 3 used Castrol I'd have gone for the Motul, I'm not in a position to throw it to a dealer every time it needed a nut tweaking or chain lubing and some may say that I should have got a Jap bike that needs nothing just an oily rag wipe and will go for miles but I didn't. Anyhow thanks for all the advice
It is my understanding @Rick B , that most folk on here seem to favour the Motul oil regardless of Diavel or not. The Testastretta engine is used in several bikes and that's the info I've picked up on with several oil threads. I myself favour Mobil1 but I have ulterior motives, I work for ExxonMobil If I were you, and going by what I have read in the past, Motul seems very popular among these lads.
Don't like me stating the obvious? Don't ask dumbass questions then. And as for being an upstart........I don't think so.
I cant see it being a dumbass question,Wayne 58 responded in a way I was hoping the question would have been answered,How did you find your way round Ducatis?by asking the odd dumbass question I'm sure
FFs, I did read the manual like I said earlier and all I needed was a recommendation of brand and visosity, I didn't realise how fookin deep an honest novice question would be. Does there have to be a Knowledge test before you purchase a Ducati?
I would seriously surprised if it doesn't say good quality fully-synthetic oil. If you're sad enough to read oil studies, you'll find that fully synth is the main requirement, what brand is secondary. Having said that, Motul and Mobil do come out best in most categories and best overall. My choice is Motul 7100, not only is it a top-notch fully-synth road-bike-specific oil, it's a beautiful cherry-red as well...