Pinlock Inserts

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by bikermike, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. anyone use them?

    I'm now riding to work (east in the morning west in the evening - doh!) and I'm getting sunlight in my eyes.
    I found an old pinlock that I bought mumble years ago for my old Arai. It's dark tint.
    How dark are they? are they OK on the road (both from a dibble-avoiding P.o.V. and a use in British autumn visibility p.o.v.)
    Any idea how helmet model-specific they are?
  2. I have no idea how dark your pinlock is, mine are clear. They are generally specific to a make and model of helmet visor although I believe they do a universal one that requires drilling 2 holes in your visor to fit. Here's a link to their website
  3. I use clear ones on every helmet, yes they are helmet model specific.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. For me flip down internal visor is the way to go, but that means a new helmet. I will not use an helmet now without sun visor and Pinlock
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. I use a Lazer helmet with a photochromic reactive visor AND a pinlock to prevent misting.
    • Crap Crap x 1
  6. I've found pinlocks to be awesome, but only used them for misting purposes and they've always been clear. It's the visor that I have tinted or non tinted.

    As for internal visors, I'm running one at the moment and have been seriously unimpressed. The oem internal visor had the sun blocking abilities of a ginger's skin. Had to buy a naughty one (not for road use). Now it just causes misting issues as, whilst the main visor has a pinlock the internal one does not.

    Missus has asked me what i want for xmas and I've told her I want a proper lid again with no crappy internal visor (ultra carbon X-802RR - don't mind if I do)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Side issue, do they work? I saw one company withdraw these as they were rubbish. What make is it?
  8. I have a reactalight pinlock for my Arai , works well , at full tint it's about the same as a light tinted visor.
  9. It came with the helmet and is made by Solex. It works very well but not as dark as a full dark visor. The only drawback is when you go into the shade of trees or a tunnel as it takes about 30 sec to fully change but no worse off than you'd be with a dark visor.
  10. "The only drawback is when you go into the shade of trees or a tunnel as it takes about 30 sec to fully change but no worse off than you'd be with a dark visor."

    that is the problem (which is why I don't want a fully dark visor).

    tvm for the link to the site. They are not cheap are they? I can't remember how much a new visor is, but it might be comparable.

    Is it ever possible to buy a helmet without the clear visor and just get a light tint instead?
  11. :cold_sweat: :bomb: :skull:
  12. Not really on topic, but if you're riding directly into the rising/setting sun, a strip or 2 of insulation tape at the top of the visor works perfectly well as a sun shade. It's not pretty but makes the commute more bearable.
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  13. yeah you just have to ask, and then listen to a sentence about the lack of legality of them on public roads beyond a certain % tint
  14. then there's the spring thread of "how do I get gaffer tape residue off my visor"

    If I can buy a spare lid of the same sort as I have now, I think I'll end up doing that.
  15. ooh! where did you do that? I've bought additional visors before (and shown my race licence to evidence my need for a dark visor), but at additional cost (and more crap in my bike cupboard).
  16. several different UK shops, I just ring the number on the websites and talk to em. Not much use if a particular shop doesn't carry dark visors though...

    They are not illegal to sell or buy!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I shall give it go...
  18. Black insulating tape across the top of the visor.
  19. Last night it rained and had bright sunshine. I was not impressed...
    will try the insulting tape this weekend
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