Anybody else had this issue? Or is it a known thing? The black plastics around the top fairing area have gone a speckled white, I first thought it was something on top of the black but it seems to be the actual plastic it wont rub off or clean away? Kind of looks like the black was a coating which is coming off, which seems odd to me. Bike is only a few months old, April time, done 3k miles. To be fair I haven't cleaned it ever but cant see that would cause the issue. I am in the UK so its not sun damage, not this year! Besides the bike is in doors when not in use. Like this it is:
Mine is 15 months old and as god as the day it was new, I have some black trim cleaner I use to keep it “shiny”and I clean it even if I have not been out on it for a week or so. Bit OTT but hey it’s my friend.
Never cleaned it in 3k miles! I suspect this is more of a cleaning issue than UV, most plastics have UV protection up to a point. But even then, UV can still damage stuff. Ive never had the above as I clean my bike.
How would not cleaning it make it fade like that though? Its only a few months old its not even got dirty yet! I understand what you are saying about UV, however UV doesn't travel into a shed with no windows and I cant see how (if it is that) it could have been subject to any amount enough to damage it in that timescale whilst being used? I have had black plastics on other bikes still look new after 5-6 years of use or more. My RSV4 still looked like the day I brought it after 3 years.
Looks like a processing issue, damp material when moulded. They could have put back to black on it or similar as a bodge to disguise it at the suppliers. Deffo warranty claim on that one.
Erm that doesn't look good but have you tried feeding the plastic some petroleum jelly or vaseline? What are you using to clean the bike with? If its muck-off that stuff is terrible for ruining all sort of materials if left on too long. Okay I've read you don't seem to be cleaning the bike. It's actually in the maintenance book to clean the bike but lets not fall out as mine lives on a farm so is caked in mud around the rear most days. If questioned normal car-shampoo & clean water
Havent cleaned it at all yet. I dont think I will touch it with anything until I show the dealer. I am not precious about it, but it cant be right after only this short time to go like that.
Wow cheers Exige! I will take it to the dealer see what they say. Might be something Ducati are aware of as I cant see me being the only one if its an issue like that.
Mine has too, its a bit patchy. Could also be that you have had some fluid on there: a simple drop of fuel is like acid to the finish on these bikes plastics!!
It's all over the three main parts though, unless it's acid rain I can't think anything has been on there. The rear hugger thing is still fine so it's not all over the bike, just those front bits.
I had something similar on the oil cooler guard on my Ducati Scrambler But more localised I tried to clean the mark off using various cleaners and just succeeded in making the mark worse. Basically the plastic was delaminating and the cleaning chemical made it worse. Bought a new cover to resolve issue - it was around £10 so not worth the warranty route.. But as above - I think this is a manufacturing issue - but do find it strange that all 3 panels have done it - because its unlikely they are in the same mould tool, moulded at the same time with the same batch of material. But I would ask your dealer for a Warranty claim as those bigger panels are likely to be expensive..
It is actually very likely that a 'family tool' would have been employed for such parts - especially when you consider the corner cutting regarding the gate design. Low volume automotive such as this generally cut all the corners they can on tooling cost. Even doing it for high volume, probably 90% + of all tooling will be 1+1 or family tools, although designed with more emphasis towards quality. Even if they were separate and employed an automated material feed system they would likely only have one Dehumidifying Dryer per polymer type supplying all machines. If they had an issue at the supplier and disguised it to sell the parts then it could be the route cause. The detail for the material flow and subsequent pattern of the defect show it to be a material issue, whether damp, over cooked or laminating due to contamination - it cannot appear like this by magic afterwards, the fault was there hiding I was going to upload one of our rotating twin shot, double sliding core cube tools for interest that cost £700,000 for making two ickle plastic parts that weigh about 200 grams each - but couldn't upload
Yes - but your assuming Ducati stock and inventory control - along with the suppliers keeps things as matched sets... from mould to bike... unlikely... That said - maybe they had issues for a complete production run - which is likely to be a month or more of Ducati volume and a few hours or days at the moulding company. In which case the problem should be known and Ducati aware too. In any case something to discuss with your dealer.
Guys...I have seen this a few times on Vehicles I some Solution Finish Trim Restorer...this stuff is amazing!! Restores the black to faded plastic and vinyl trim! Solution Finish is an incredible new product that restores faded black surfaces to a deep, rich, black finish, without the "wet look" associated with cheaper products. Solution Finish dries quickly with no greasy residue and uses advanced polymer technology along with innovative ingredients to produce a long-lasting, black, protective finish. Apply a small amount of Solution Finish to an applicator pad, spread thin, and allow the solution to dwell for 1-2 minutes. Then using a clean microfiber sponge or foam pad buff off the excess product off glass and paint. You can buy this from :
Yes I am assuming this as on lesser automated lines than we deal with that is what happens sometimes, unusual for main stream automotive lines as you say. But a disguised problem from a production run is likely to be the cause. Only gong off photos of course, but deffo a manufacturing fault from the evidence.
Looks like dodgy cleaning products I stopped using muc off on another bike because the abs plastic went white and I was suspicious of its effect