1199 1199 Gear Problem

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by RIFLES27, Sep 30, 2017.

  1. can anyone help I'm having trouble with getting the bike to go into neutral. I've had the clutch bled once before and it seemed to help but now it's playing up again. Has anyone else suffered with this problem.
  2. I believe it is quite common.

    I'm new to Ducati but a quick search suggests easier to go from 2nd to N than it is to go from 1st to N.

    The other advice is drop it into N before you come to stop apparently helps.
  3. Thanks for the tips I'm new to the Ducati as well.
  4. What u riding ?
  5. A 2014 1199 how about you.
  6. 2015 1299.

    I m going to try a oberon slave clutch mc.

    Helps make the lever pull lighter when in traffic on route to the twisites .
  7. Bleed it regularly. You can tell by the lever feel when it needs doing. Difficulty finding neutral (esp when stationary) is caused by clutch drag. Any air in the system means less disengagement when the lever is fully pulled. An Oberon slave exacerbates the situation since it makes the lever pull lighter (clutch disengages less per mm of lever movement).
    Ducati slave cylinders can leak fluid, but the cheap OEM Brembo master seems to be the source of air getting in. I have had mine changed under warranty an the frequency with which I need to bleed the system is much reduced.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. Thanks for the advice I'll have to looking into and ask local dealer to take a look at it.
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