Upper Right Fairing 998 Biposto

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Flip848, Sep 4, 2017.

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  1. Searching for an original upper right fairing for my 998 biposto 2002.
    No scratches or paint damage.
    Color: Red
    Price: We'll see...
    I have a brand new righthand bottomfairing for a 916-748-996 in red to trade if interested.
    Maybe also the bottom right fairing, it depends on the asking price.
    Please mail to [email protected]

    #1 Flip848, Sep 4, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2017
  2. hi,, have you still got the lowers for sale ??
  3. Make me a fair offer ;)
  4. I’m definitely not going to say too much... so you tell me what you’ve got and your price please mate
  5. Sorry, I was offline for a while...
    I would say 125 £ shipment included.
  6. Hi.. thanks for getting back,, brand new genuine OEM lower right fairing panel £125 ??
  8. It's OEM. Has it bin overpainted? I have no idea but to me it seems brand new. But I'm no expert.
  9. Ok sounds good,, think Il have that but could you post me a pic of the inner side please and do you have the left panel as well ??
  10. Not yet but you can close this topic ;)
  11. Thread closed
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