I'm sure this has been covered before so I apologise for this. .but what grade of oil is best for my 15 Plate DVT. I'm thinking of giving the bike a treat as the old oil looks shity in the inspection glass.
Some guys on here roll with Motul, but I choose Mobil 1. Can you not just use what the main dealer puts in ??
I'll be putting Silkolene Pro 4 15w50 XP in when the time comes. The dealer just did the 1st service at 650 miles, so I'm good for a bit. I cannot get the Motul 7100 15w50 in the states for some reason.. You need an oil that meets the specs called out the owners manual. I believe it calls for a 15w50 JASO MA2 API SM.
It's all a load of bo**x, get yourself a nice cheap deal from somewhere like eurocarparts (my courier hates them), buy fully synthetic cheap stuff and a Mahle OC5 filter and job's a good un for under 20 quid. Change both at the recommended intervals, or sooner if you want to be nice to your engine, and pat yourself on the back for saving yourself a packet and not following the herd. I use whatever branded accredited 10W40 is on special at the time, it's perfect. If you suddenly buy a racing engine then consider Motul 300V Factory, although the above 'cheap shit' will be just as good assuming you're not doing endurance racing on it.
As long as you use the right grade of oil then any old shit will do, don't get caught up on the designer or most expensive oil. I normally use whatever is the cheapest on the day of buying it, change the oil once a year and don't over think it.
It's a better oil for a racing engine if you are racing. If it's not a racing engine, and you're not racing your racing engine, then there are far cheaper alternatives that will protect your precious metal just as well.
A non duc filter hiflo or kn I can live with Airduck. So you're using 10w40 in a modern 1200 ducati engine L twin (DVT)? Why does ducati specify 15w50??? W is for winter right? 15 is the viscosity on cold start? 50 is the higher viscosity (oil thickness) at 100°C..... Let us know......
Motul 7100 15W/50. Whichever brand you go for, 15W/50 grade is important to the correct operation of the DVT.
I cut open a Mahle OC5 and aa Ducati branded filter and they looked identical inside, you buy whatever you like. FWIW I use a HiFlo on my dirt bike. No I'm using 10W40 in a modern 1200 Ducati engine L twin (non-DVT), it never gets used below about 11 degrees Celsius and I only use it at the track (where it gets its tits revved off all the time) but given @nelly's response re 15W50 being what the DVT elements need I'd go with that grade. My point was, and still is is, that you don't need to fuss over expensive engine oils. My 1200 gets pulled apart more often than most an 10W40 protects it just fine, I haven't looked to see what the manual recommends for either the non DVT or DVT. Hope that helps.
As stated most 15 50 branded oils are all good and will more than do the job. Whats important is the cycle of oil change, leave it in for 5 years and it will be risky, if you really want to give your bikea treat, then go with an early oil change.