1200 More Oil/desmo Service Reset Brain Damage!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by cabrand, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. OK people, what the F##k am I doing wrong?
    Bike: September 2011 1200s Touring
    I am using the items below, blue toothed through my android phone.
    I have both Ducati Multitool TB & Multitool Lite, all I get is "no data make sure bike is switched on" (I am in the Google group run by Wit)
    Any thoughts, theories, opinions or alternatively the lone of a 10 year old geek would be very welcome.


  2. The question is not what you are doing wrong, but why did you think you could achieve anything useful with an OBD2 bluetooth attached to a Multistrada?
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Out of pure curiosity, what are you trying to achieve with this monitoring equipment?
  4. The clue is in the thread title?

    Enlighten me then.
  5. Yes, I have gone through it to no avail. My problem is that I have all the patience in the world for valve shims, belt changes etc but technology just freaks me out if I can't get it to work.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I use the software that comes with Tuneboy , did my first reset this summer .
  7. Try using the same kit with Melcodiag on a PC
  8. Thanks for your ruminations everybody. Still work in progress although the WiFi route looks the most favourable. I will let you know how I get on. You never know, Pete1950 might get his answer!
  9. Success! No more “Desmo service” warning.
    My problem was with the £2:50 ELM327 Bluetooth Diagnostics tool - you gets what you pays for I suppose - anyhow, i was recommended this - Autodoctor007 OBDII 2 Bluetooth auto scanner Diagnostic Tool Code Reader ELM327 off eBay by a guy on the MultiTool Google Groups forum who had been in pretty much the same situation as me.
    I used the cable supplied by LoneLec - http://lonelec.co.uk/image/cache/catalog/DucatiMultistrad_N-500x500.jpg
    All this linked up to the MultiTool Lite App on my Android phone - the trouble is I approached it with the “here we go again” attitude, not really expecting much to happen, so when it did I wasn’t paying attention - I guess I’ll have to wait until the next time to see what actually happened LoL.
    Once again, thanks for your input & just maybe pete1950 has learned something
  10. I had the same problems until I found a Bluetooth adaptor that would work with my phone and MultiTool. I was going to point you in that direction but I see you found out yourself :)
  11. Afternoon,
    Sorry if this has been asked before, will this setup work on a 2013 twinspark?
    Thanks in advance
  12. I think it should work on all the pre-DVT models - but not 100% certain.
  13. Thank you
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